Hermina Health Polytechnic

Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina merupakan pendidikan tinggi kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan vokasional dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang siap bekerja sesuai dengan spesialisasi masing-masing program studi.  Jenjang pendidikan yang diselenggarakan Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina terdiri dari 3 Program Studi yakni D-III kesehatan di bidang Farmasi, D-III kesehatan di Bidang Fisioterapi serta pendidikan D-IV di bidang Teknologi Laboratorium Medik (TLM) Analis Kesehatan.  Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina didirikan dibawah naungan Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (KEMENDIKBUD) dengan Izin Pendirian Nomor 63/M/2020. VISI & MISI Visi Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina Menjadi Pusat Pendidikan Vokasional dan Pengembangan IPTEK yang unggul di bidang kesehatan berbasis kearifan lokal tahun 2032   Misi Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina : Menyelenggarakan Tri-Dharma Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis SN-DIKTI Menyelenggarakan pendidikan kesehatan yang bermutu, komprehensif, dan progresif di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang menghasilkan sumber daya manusia dengan kebutuhan prioritas pembangunan Menyelenggarakan penelitian yang menghasilkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan prioritas pembangunan Menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat Untuk informasi pendaftaran dapat mengunjungi situs resmi Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina   PENERIMAAN MAHASISWA BARU TAHUN AKADEMIK 2020/2021 Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Tahun Akademik 2020/2021 D-III Farmasi D-III Fisioterapi D-IV Tek. Laboratorium Medik (Analis Kesehatan) Tersedia Program Beasiswa, Lulusan langsung terserap bekerja di Rumah Sakit Hermina seluruh Indonesia Gratis Biaya Pendaftaran, Silahkan Daftar disini Politeknik Kesehatan Hermina Jl. Jatinegara Barat No.126, Jakarta Timur (Gedung di samping IGD RS Hermina Jatinegara) WhatsApp : 085695637495 (Nisa) / 081318719551 (Musripah) Telepon : (021) 39710122 Email: poltekkes.hermina@gmail.com

Manggala Husada Nursing Academy

Manggala Husada Nursing Academy Institution is one of the Private Nursing Education Institutions that was established in 1994. Manggala Husada Nursing Academy was established under the auspices of the Government College of the Minister of Health Decree No. DL. in 1996 and was transferred to the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education Decree No. 202 / D / T / 2006 and Region III Kopertis Study Program Permit No. No. 9787 / D / T / K-III / 2011. Manggala Husada Nursing Academy joined the Hermina Hospital in 2015 and addressed at Jl. Jatinegara Barat No 15, Jatinegara, East Jakarta. Institutional Vision: Becoming a Nursing Academy that excels, has character, grows, is healthy, has a long life, and is able to compete at the National level in 2030. Institutional Mission: Organizing educational institutions that excel in the field of nursing as stipulated in the Akper Manggala Husada institutional curriculum. Organizing educational institutions that are reputable and able to compete with other institutions with sound governance so that it can last a long time. Organizing educational institutions that have innovation, are creative and can provide ideas in the world of health Organizing educational institutions that grow by adding health study programs in accordance with community needs and advances in science and technology accompanied by increased facilities and infrastructure. Organizing educational institutions that have healthy organizations by prioritizing excellent service in implementing noble values ​​(honest, disciplined, friendly, confident and responsible) on an ongoing basis in each generation within the Manggala Husada Nursing Academy institution, especially for students and alumni. Carry out research related to nursing and the development of science and technology. Carry out services related to nursing and science and technology development. For registration information, visit the official website of Manggala Husada Nursing Academy.

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