10 Preparations Before You Have a Medical Checkup to Be Accurate and Optimal
Medical Check Up (MCU) is a series of examinations that are generally carried out among people aged 18 years and over to ensure healthy conditions and detect disease early. The MCU examination starts with an interview with the current condition and history of the condition (anamnesis), a physical examination, and supporting examinations to complete health condition data. MCU examinations are carried out by general practitioners, specialist doctors, laboratory analysts, and radiologists. The supporting examinations that can be carried out in the MCU vary, from blood, urine, and radiology examinations to examinations of special functions such as heart, hearing, breathing, and high function (patients with suspected functional disorders or cognitive deficits, with/without a history of previous brain disorders, for example, in stroke or brain injury sufferers).
To ensure accurate and optimal quality of examination results, here's what you need to know about preparations before carrying out MCU:
1. Make sure you sleep at least 6 hours, your body is fit, and you maintain good hydration. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, milk, fizzy drinks, and juice 24 hours before the examination to avoid errors in the examination results. At dental examinations, brush your teeth well before the examination to reduce plaque and food debris.
2. Fast for a minimum of 8 hours; if you are thirsty, you can just drink water. In the MCU package, which includes an abdominal ultrasound, drink 8 glasses of water 3 hours before the examination, and refrain from urinating before the abdominal ultrasound examination.
3. Record complaints, personal and family history of illnesses, routine medications, vaccination history, and history of eating and drinking patterns. Provide information honestly and thoroughly.
4. Bring the results of examinations that have been carried out, such as the results of laboratory examinations, EKGs, and previous radiology results.
5. Continue taking routine medications such as hypertension and diabetes medications, as well as other routine medications. Inform your routine medication history to MCU officers for further guidance.
6. Calm yourself before the examination. Being tense and anxious can affect the results of examinations, especially the results of vital signs examinations.
7. Make a list of questions so you feel more organized and share your concerns with your doctor.
8. Wear comfortable and loose clothing around the arm area to make it easier to access the blood collection. Bring and use glasses that you normally use every day. It would be a good idea to record the prescription for the glasses you use. MCU participants are advised not to use accessories during the examination.
9. For women, the ideal MCU examination schedule is at least 1 week after menstruation. This is recommended to avoid contamination of examination results by menstrual blood, as well as ensuring the most ideal breast condition for mammography examination.
10. Prepare documents related to financing or insurance and make sure you understand the scope of services to be performed. Discuss potential additional costs with your healthcare provider to avoid financial problems.
Health is a treasure within us that we should protect now for the future. The first step to maintaining our health is to ensure that our current condition is truly healthy. Trust Hermina Pasteur Hospital to carry out the best medical checkup for you and your family.
Come check your health regularly at Hermina Pasteur. Healthy with Hermina Pasteur
Made by: Dr Andika Trya
Curated by: dr. Adam Iskandar, Sp.PD
Reference :
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