10 Comfortable Fasting Tips for Gastric Patients

10 Comfortable Fasting Tips for Gastric Patients

Fasting is an important moment in the lives of Muslims, but for some people who suffer from gastritis or other stomach disorders, fasting can be a challenge in itself. 

Gastric ulcer, also known as gastritis, is a common term used to refer to disorders of the stomach that cause symptoms such as stomach pain, heartburn, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and other digestive disturbances. Gastritis can be caused by various factors including bacterial infections, certain medications, stress, unhealthy eating habits, and alcohol consumption. Symptoms of gastritis can range from mild to severe, and management often involves lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and the use of specific medications as directed by a doctor.

Here are ten tips that can help gastric patients perform fasting comfortably:

  1. Plan Your Suhoor and Iftar Menus

Choose light and easily digestible foods for suhoor and iftar. Avoid spicy, fatty, and oily foods that can trigger gastric symptoms. Whenever possible, opt for high-fiber foods to help maintain digestive health.

  1. Eat in Small Portions

Rather than eating in one large meal, divide your suhoor and iftar into several small portions. This helps lighten the burden on the stomach and reduces the risk of gastric symptoms.

  1. Avoid Acidic and Carbonated Consumption

Acidic foods and drinks, such as oranges and sodas, can worsen gastric symptoms. Avoid consuming these foods and drinks during the fasting month.

  1. Pay Attention to Meal Times

Avoid eating too quickly or too slowly during suhoor and iftar. Try to eat within a reasonable time frame to avoid excessive pressure on the stomach.

  1. Don't Drink Too Much During Iftar

Although it's important to hydrate the body after fasting all day, avoid drinking too much at once during iftar. This can cause bloating and worsen gastric symptoms.

  1. Avoid Irritating Foods and Drinks

Some foods and drinks like coffee, tea, chocolate, and high-fat foods can trigger gastric symptoms. Pay attention to your body's reaction to these foods and avoid them if possible.

  1. Get Adequate Rest

Ensure you get enough rest between suhoor and iftar. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of gastric symptoms. However, avoid resting or sleeping immediately after eating.

  1. Pay Attention to Stress Levels

Stress can worsen gastric symptoms. Find ways to manage stress such as meditation, light exercise, or other calming activities during the fasting month.


If your friend Hermina has a history of severe gastritis or experiences worsening symptoms during fasting, consult a doctor immediately. By following the above tips, gastric patients can perform fasting more comfortably and reduce the risk of gastric symptoms during the Ramadan month. Keep monitoring your body's response and consult with doctors at Hermina Podomoro Hospital if necessary to maintain your stomach health during fasting

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