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13 Factors that Cause Cataracts in the Eyes and How to Reduce the Risk

Hermina's best friend must have often heard about cataracts, right? What actually causes cataracts, and is there a way to prevent them?

Cataracts are a disease that often occurs in the eye, especially in older people. This condition occurs when the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, resulting in blurred or blurry vision.

It can even affect one or both eyes. If not treated immediately, it is not impossible that these cataracts can cause blindness. So, to find out more about this disease, please follow this review to the end.


Causes of Cataracts in the Eyes

As explained above, cataracts are a condition in which the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque. This cloudy lens in the eye blocks light from entering the eye and interferes with vision. There are many factors that cause cataracts, including :

1. Age

Age is the main factor that causes cataracts, which usually occur in those over the age of 60. The older a person is, the more likely they are to have cataracts. This is because the lens of the eye has aged and becomes less elastic with age.

2. Radiation

Exposure to radiation, such as ionizing radiation, can increase a person's risk of developing cataracts. For example, it occurs in patients undergoing radiation therapy to the head or neck. In addition, ultraviolet radiation from sunlight can also damage the lens of the eye and increase the risk of cataracts.

3. Alcohol consumption

People who consume excessive alcohol have a higher risk of developing cataracts. This may be due to the toxic effect of alcohol on the lens of the eye.

4. Cigarette consumption

Smokers have a higher risk of developing cataracts. Exposure to cigarette smoke and the chemicals in it can damage the lens and eye cells. This is what causes cataracts.

5. Disease

Several diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and thyroid disorders, can increase the risk of cataracts. Especially diabetics, they have a higher risk of developing cataracts. This is related to high blood sugar levels, which can damage the eye lens and accelerate aging in that part.

In addition, the use of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids used to treat certain diseases such as asthma or arthritis, can also increase the risk of cataracts.

6. Obesity

Obesity and being overweight can increase a person's risk of developing cataracts. This condition can interfere with metabolism and health in general, including eye health.

7. Other eye disorders

Other eye disorders, such as myopia or hyperopia, can increase a person's risk of developing cataracts. This is probably because the disorder affects the use of the lens in the eye.

8. Family history

Some types of cataracts can be caused by genetic factors. Such as congenital cataracts, which occur in newborns or when cataracts develop at an early age.

In addition, if there is a family history of cataracts, a person's risk of experiencing the same condition increases. Similar genetic and environmental factors can influence cataract risk.

9. Eating habit

Deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins C and E, can increase a person's risk of developing cataracts. Consumption of healthy foods rich in nutrients can help maintain eye health.

10. Use of steroids

Long-term use of steroids can increase a person's risk of developing cataracts. Steroids can cause changes in the lens structure of the eye.

11.Eye trauma

Injury to the eye can lead to cataracts, especially if the trauma affects the lens of the eye. Eye injuries can occur as a result of accidents, acts of violence, or extreme sports activities. Not only that, repeated trauma to the eye can also increase the risk of cataracts.

12. Infection

Infection of the eye, such as conjunctivitis or uveitis, is also a cause of cataracts. This infection can cause inflammation of the eye lens and cause damage.

13.Environmental exposure

Exposure to environmental pollution, such as motor vehicle exhaust, can increase a person's risk of developing cataracts. Pollutants in the air can damage the eye's lens and cause cataracts.


Signs and symptoms of cataracts

The emergence of a disease must start with several symptoms, as well as cataracts. Some of the symptoms of cataracts that often occur, for example, include :

- Blurred vision

- Difficulty seeing in dim light

- It looks like seeing through a blur

- Hermina's best friend's vision in one eye

- Changes in color perception

- Blurred vision

When these symptoms appear, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist. An ophthalmologist can perform an eye exam and determine whether cataracts are affecting vision and how serious the condition is.


How to Reduce the Risk of Cataracts

Treating cataracts can be done through surgery. This is a relatively simple procedure and only uses local anesthetic. This procedure involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial one.

Apart from surgery, lifestyle changes can also help reduce the risk of cataracts. Some ways to reduce your risk of cataracts include:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure

  • Get rid of smoking habits

  • Eat healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits

  • Wear sunglasses when outdoors during the day

  • Control underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and others


In essence, cataracts are a common disease of the eye, especially in older people. Therefore, it is important to detect and treat cataracts as soon as possible to prevent blindness.

If Hermina's friends experience cataract symptoms, immediately consult the complaints of Hermina's friends with an ophthalmologist at the nearest Hermina Hospital. Hermina's friends can also consult with our doctor online through Halo Hermina.
