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Frequently Asked Questions About Cold Coughs In Children

Frequently Asked Questions About Cold Coughs in Children


Hermina's friend, In this transitional season, many children are coughing colds, Mother. So when should you be taken to the hospital? and how exactly to solve it? Let's see the following questions and answers about cough and cold in children with dr. Eka Sari Astuti, Sp.A!

1. What to do if your child has a cold? The answer: If the symptoms are mild, you should not give too much medicine. Get enough rest, eat and drink nutritious food, set a comfortable room temperature, not too hot and not too cold, elevation of the head during sleep to reduce symptoms of nasal congestion, etc.


If the symptoms bother you, symptomatic drugs can be given to reduce symptoms, such as paracetamol to reduce fever or headache, saline drops or decongestants to reduce nasal mucus and reduce symptoms of nasal congestion, mucus thinners (mucolytics) and so on.


Children need to be taken to the doctor if there are 'Alarm' symptoms, including: High fever for more than 2 days, or the fever has gone down a few days later, the fever returns, the symptoms do not improve or even get worse, wheezing or wheezing sounds like an asthma attack, shortness of breath fast, decreased appetite, less active, the child looks weak, does not want to breastfeed the baby or ear pain.


2. How long does it usually take to cough up a cold in children (still within normal limits)? The answer: The incidence of mild cough and cold in children under five is usually around 5-7 episodes per year with a duration of illness of about 7-10 days. We need to be vigilant if a cold cough lasts longer and does not go away. Especially if the cough is accompanied by the alarm sign mentioned above. (Cough and cold is called chronic when the duration exceeds 14 days).


3. Does a child who is coughing up phlegm need to be swabbed or steamed? The answers: Nebu or Nebulizer is one technique of inhalation therapy or inhalation into the respiratory tract. The nebulizer will convert liquid medicine into aerosols or small particles that enter the target organs of the respiratory tract, both the upper and lower respiratory tract.


Purpose of the nebulizer: 1). Widen the airways or reduce shortness of breath due to narrowing of the airways, for example in asthma. The type of drug used is a bronchodilator that works to widen the airways and reduce shortness of breath. 2). Reduces inflammatory reactions (inflammatory) in the airways. Types of drugs used include steroids. 3). Dilute mucus in the respiratory tract. The type of drug used is a hypertonic saline solution.


So here the main key is the indication of therapy and the selection of the type of drug. This usually depends on the patient's complaints and physical examination. Usually the doctor will help prescribe and choose a nebulizer drug that will be used at home.


4. Can a baby who has a cold cough be given nebu with dose of medicine without a prescription? The answer: Nebulizer therapy has several purposes/benefits as mentioned above. Selection of the type of drug and also the frequency of administration of nebulizer drugs should be adjusted to the purpose of therapy. Usually the doctor will help prescribe the most suitable type of nebulizer for the child's condition.


Depending on the type of device, the nebulizer requires a minimal volume for the drug in liquid form to be converted into aerosols or small particles that are inhaled into the respiratory tract and reach the target person. Usually the nebulizer requires a minimum volume of 4 ml. Insufficient drug volume will affect aerosol delivery in the respiratory tract.


5. Does a child with asthma need a nebulizer at home? The answer: The use of a nebulizer in asthma is very effective in reducing respiratory symptoms during an asthma attack and can minimize the risk of drug side effects.


6. Can children with frequent colds wash their noses using NaCl to get better quickly? The answer: With the right technique, nasal washing or nasal irrigation (Nasal Saline Irrigation / NSI) is safe for children and is useful for thinning nasal mucus and reducing symptoms of nasal congestion. The mechanism of action of NSI is to remove mediators that cause inflammatory reactions, reduce mucus production and improve nasal humidity. What needs to be considered is the cleanliness of the fluids and tools used to prevent contamination with germs.


7. Should a 1-month-old baby who has a cold cough be taken immediately to the doctor? The answer: Babies are a special group because they have a higher risk due to an immature immune system. In addition, infants and children have different airway anatomy than adults. The diameter of the airways in children is smaller than adults (about 1:5) so it is easier for shortness of breath to occur which can be fatal. Considering these conditions, a very small baby if it shows symptoms of a cold cough should be taken to the doctor.


8. What is the difference between cough and cold with other severe respiratory diseases? The answer: Bapil (cough and cold) or other terms common cold is a collection of symptoms consisting of nasal congestion, sneezing, mucus production in the nose, sore throat and coughing. Usually the symptoms are mild, acute (lasts about 7-10 days), caused by a virus and can recover spontaneously if the immune system is good. However, if the immune system is not good, the common cold may cause complications such as ear infections (otitis media), asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia (pneumonia). The common cold is an upper tract infection. Usually potentially serious is a respiratory infection involving the lower respiratory tract (laryngeal infection in the area of the vocal cords down to the lung tissue). The number is about 5% of all respiratory tract infections in children. Symptoms will be more severe, including rapid breathing, chest indrawing which indicates shortness of breath.


9. The child has a cold or cough for a day or two, can he buy medicine directly at the pharmacy? The answer: Cough and cold medicines that fall into the category of over-the-counter drugs (which can be purchased without a doctor's prescription) or other terms OTD (Over The Counter), are usually symptom-relieving drugs such as fever reducers, decongestants, mucus thinners, drugs that reduce cough reflexes, etc. These drugs may be purchased directly by yourself by taking into account the safety aspects, including the selection of the right drug, the recommended dosage range and minimal side effects. When drugs are purchased at pharmacies, pharmacists can help provide information and counseling so that drugs are used safely, appropriately and rationally.


10. If the child is often exposed to colds is a sign that the child has sinusitis? The answer: A runny nose (which is characterized by nasal congestion and production of nasal mucus) is one of the symptoms of sinusitis. But not only colds, sinusitis usually shows other symptoms such as pain in the face, thick mucus, post nasal drip (build up of thick mucus in the nose or throat which in children shows symptoms of frequent coughing), anosmia / hyposmia (lack of smell) etc. Investigations that help establish the diagnosis of sinusitis are X-rays, CT scans and microbiological examination of nasal mucus specimens.


11. The child often coughs and colds, has just recovered and has recurred, what is the cause? The answer: Frequent coughs and colds in children can be caused by several factors, including: 1) exposure to viruses, 2) poor immune factors, 3) allergy factors, 4) environmental factors (exposure to cigarette smoke, dust, pets, circulation). poor air/sun exposure, poor sanitation), 5) disease risk factors (tonsillitis/tonsillitis, asthma). Things that can be done to prevent recurring colds and coughs are to provide balanced nutritious food, improve an unfavorable environment, clean and healthy lifestyles such as diligently washing hands, getting enough rest, giving vitamin supplements and additional vaccines.


12. If the child's cough has recovered and then after 1 week of coughing again accompanied by fever, is it necessary to take antibiotics again? The answer: The majority of coughs and colds in children are caused by viruses. Antibiotics are considered for several conditions, including: the occurrence of secondary bacterial infections such as ear infections, sinusitis and pneumonia (pneumonia) or a period of illness that has lasted more than 10 days without improvement. Symptoms of cough and fever that reappear after the previous cold cough can be a new episode of illness or still in one episode with the previous cold cough. Examination by a doctor will help as a basis for appropriate drug administration.


13. What is the right sleeping position when a child has a cough with phlegm? The answer: When a cold cough, a higher head elevation position will help the child breathe easier during sleep, reduce coughing and reduce symptoms of nasal congestion. Adjust the sleeping position with a higher pillow or by adding one pillow.


14. If the baby is pregnant but it's time for the vaccine, should the vaccine be postponed or what? The answer: Children who are mildly ill are still allowed to receive immunizations because minor illnesses experienced by children will not affect the body's response to immunization. Unless the baby is very fussy, immunization can be delayed 1-2 weeks later.


15. When can PCR be done when the child is pregnant? The answer: By shortening the incubation period of the new variant of the Covid virus, the PCR test can be carried out as soon as symptoms appear.


16. Babies with birth history of respiratory failure due to pneumonia, then contracted bapil, is it dangerous? The answer: Danger signs that need to be considered in infants/children with a cold cough include signs of rapid breathing, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, the child looks pale and weak or does not want to breastfeed the baby.


17. Why do children with congenital heart disease such as ASD 2, pulmonary stenosis have more frequent births? The answer: The heart and lungs are two interrelated organs. The heart pumps blood to the lungs for oxygenation, then the blood vessels carry oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. If the ability of the heart is disturbed, it will cause congestion or dam in the lungs so that the lungs will become more vulnerable and it is easier for coughing and colds to occur.


18. When a child coughs up phlegm but cannot expel mucus, where does the phlegm come out? The answer: The mechanism of removing mucus (mucus) in the respiratory tract in children through swallowing or vomiting in small infants.


This is an explanation that can be conveyed regarding conditions such as those that have been mentioned regarding the Q&A of cough and cold in children. If you have complaints, it's best if your little one immediately goes to the Pediatrician at RSU Hermina Solo, right. You can check the schedule on our website or call 0821-3552-2454.





