
20 Typical Signs of Pregnancy Experienced by Mothers

Pregnancy is a very special moment in a woman's life. However, sometimes it may be difficult to know whether you are pregnant or not. To help you recognise common signs of pregnancy, here are 20 symptoms commonly experienced by women who are pregnant.

1. Late menstruation: One of the most common signs of pregnancy is late menstruation. If your menstrual cycle is usually regular and suddenly you are late, you are most likely pregnant.

2. Nausea and vomiting: Symptoms of nausea and vomiting are often experienced by pregnant women, especially in the morning. This is caused by hormonal changes in the body.

3. Breasts feel more sensitive: When you are pregnant, your breasts may feel more sensitive and larger than usual.

4. Stomach cramps: Some women experience mild stomach cramps during early pregnancy; this is caused by changes in the uterus.

5. Fatigue: Pregnancy can make you feel more tired than usual, as your body works extra hard to support the growing foetus.

6. Frequent urination: Due to pressure from the expanding uterus, you may feel the need to urinate more frequently than usual.

7. Changes in appetite: Some women experience changes in appetite during pregnancy, such as wanting to eat certain foods or, conversely, not being able to eat foods they usually like.

8. Dizziness and headaches: Hormonal changes in the body can cause you to feel dizzy or have headaches during pregnancy.

9. Emotional changes: Pregnancy can also affect your mood, making you more sensitive or irritable.

10. Weight changes: During pregnancy, you may experience significant weight gain due to foetal growth.

11. Swelling of the ankles: Some women experience swelling of the ankles during pregnancy; this is caused by fluid retention in the body.

12. Changes in skin colour: Some women experience changes in skin colour during pregnancy, such as the appearance of dark spots or lines on the stomach.

13. Metallic taste in the mouth: Some women experience a metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy, which is caused by hormonal changes in the body.

14. Changes in body temperature: During pregnancy, your body temperature may be slightly higher than usual.

15. Increased or decreased sexual appetite: Some women experience an increased sexual appetite during pregnancy, while others actually lose interest.

16. Muscle cramps: Muscle cramps are often experienced by pregnant women, especially in the stomach and legs.

17. Sleep changes: Pregnancy can make it difficult for you to sleep well due to hormonal changes and physical discomfort.

18. Increased sensitivity to smells: Some women experience increased sensitivity to smells during pregnancy, which can make them feel nauseous.

19. Changes in hair texture: Some women experience changes in hair texture during pregnancy, such as becoming thicker or thinner than usual.

20. Changes in body posture: During pregnancy, your body posture may change due to foetal growth and hormonal changes in the body.

Those are 20 common signs of pregnancy in women. If Hermina Friends experience some or even all of the symptoms above, immediately consult a gynaecologist at Hermina Sukabumi Hospital. Hermina Friends can also consult about pregnancy online via the Halo Hermina application.


Referensi :

National Health Service UK (2022). Pregnancy. Doing a Pregnancy Test.
