5 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

5 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

In general, although there are many popular diet methods that we encounter, whether on the internet or other media, in principle, the way to lose weight quickly naturally is to make lifestyle changes, including diet and physical activity.
Like what? Let's look at the following tips!
Here are some tricks that Hermina Serpong's friends can do, if you want to lose weight quickly:
1.   Sports
Regular exercise is one of the important lifestyle changes to make in losing weight. In addition to helping achieve a calorie deficit, certain types of exercise can also build muscle which can increase fat burning.
2.    Eat Protein at Breakfast
Protein can regulate appetite hormones to help people feel full. This is largely due to a decrease in the hunger hormone ghrelin and an increase in the satiety hormones peptides YY, GLP-1 and cholecystokinin.
Good choices for a high-protein breakfast include eggs, peanut butter, quinoa porridge, and chia seed pudding.
3.  Reduce Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates can be found in processed foods that no longer contain fiber and other nutrients, such as white flour, bread, pasta and pastries. These foods are quickly digested, and also quickly converted into glucose.
Excess glucose enters the blood and triggers the release of the hormone insulin, which increases fat storage in adipose tissue and contributes to weight gain, especially when refined carbohydrates are consumed in excess.
4.   Increase your intake of fiber
Consuming fiber-rich foods can help you feel full longer. This can be one of the tips to lose weight. Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
5.   Enough sleep
Insufficient or poor quality sleep can slow down metabolic processes. When metabolism is less effective, the body can store unused energy as fat.
Insufficient sleep duration will increase ghrelin levels, the hunger hormone and reduce leptin levels which are responsible for sending satiety signals to the brain, thereby increasing the amount of calorie intake.
So, friends of Hermina Serpong, let's get used to living a healthy lifestyle and doing regular exercise like the tips described above, if a friend of Hermina Serpong has further complaints, immediately consult with an expert. Dr. Dian Ara Minta Ramadhania, M. Nutrition. Sp. NO
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