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7 Easy Tips for Pregnant Women for a Healthy and Comfortable Pregnancy

Getting pregnant is a dream for every woman who has built a household. For women who have obtained a pregnancy, they will definitely strive for all means in order to get a healthy pregnancy. achieving a healthy pregnancy, can be achieved starting from maintaining personal health and the fetus in the womb.

There are some easy tips that pregnant women can do in getting a healthy pregnancy until the time of delivery arrives. Maintaining a healthy pregnancy must be done by every pregnant woman, this is useful so that the fetus can grow and develop properly until it is time to be born into the world. So, pregnant women should try to always live a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mindset as well to realize a healthy pregnancy.

Therefore, follow these tips to achieve a healthy pregnancy:

1. Routine Pregnancy Check-ups

To help pregnant women prepare for what needs to be done during pregnancy until the time of delivery, it is highly recommended to regularly conduct pregnancy consultations and examinations. On the other hand, regular pregnancy checks can help pregnant women anticipate the possibilities that can occur during pregnancy. The doctor will also recommend the right treatment steps and the best delivery method for the mother and fetus.

2. Exercise Routinely

Many people think that exercising during pregnancy can harm pregnant women and their fetuses. In fact, this is not entirely true. There are many benefits that can be achieved by pregnant women if they exercise regularly, including:

  1. Avoiding and alleviating aches and pains during pregnancy
  2. Make it easy to get back into shape after the baby is born
  3. Builds the immune system needed as pregnancy progresses
  4. Reduce stress
  5. Improves blood circulation in the limbs as well as the whole body

Although exercise is beneficial during pregnancy, it is only necessary to choose the type of exercise so that it does not have a negative impact on both the pregnant mother and the fetus. Avoid exercise that is too strenuous and can put great pressure on the joints. and also consider the type of exercise chosen based on ability, so that the body does not overexert itself to fatigue or dehydration.

The types of exercise that are good for pregnant women are swimming, yoga, pilates, brisk walking and Kegel exercises, or consult a doctor to get advice on choosing the right type of exercise in achieving a healthy pregnancy.

3. Get Enough Rest

One of the body's ways of reminding you to get enough rest, is by the fatigue experienced in the first few months of pregnancy caused by high levels of pregnancy hormones in the body.

Pregnant women can try safe relaxation techniques during pregnancy, such as yoga, stretching, maternity massage or breathing exercises. However, it is better to consult a doctor before doing so.

4. Pay Attention to Nutrient Intake

In order to achieve a healthy pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to always fulfill the body's nutritional needs, such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and various other important minerals such as calcium, iron and folate. This is because pregnant women need 300 extra calories in the first 6 months of pregnancy. Nutritional intake can also be supported by taking prenatal vitamins in accordance with the dose recommended by the doctor. There are some foods and drinks that pregnant women should avoid consuming, such as:

  1. Undercooked or incompletely cooked food
  2. Certain types of fish that have a high mercury content, such as tuna and sardines
  3. Caffeinated drinks
  4. Fizzy drinks

5. Conduct Regular Dental Check-ups

Some may think that pregnancy and teeth have no effect and no relationship whatsoever. In fact, fluctuations in progesterone and esterogen hormones during pregnancy can cause pregnant women to become more susceptible to gum disease. Therefore, pregnant women are strongly encouraged to always maintain oral health.

On the other hand, there is a study that describes that tooth and gum disease can lead to premature birth, increasing the risk of babies being born with low body weight. This is due to bacteria on the teeth and gums that can reach the uterus to affect the development of the baby.

So, pregnant women are recommended to maintain dental hygiene by brushing their teeth regularly, using dental floss and regularly doing dental check-ups to the dentist.

6. Maintain Mental Health

Most pregnant women will experience rapid emotional changes during pregnancy. However, if the mood swings are so extreme that they interfere with daily activities, it would be better for pregnant women to see a doctor to get answers about how to overcome them.

7. No Smoking

Smoking is something that everyone should avoid, especially pregnant women. If you want to achieve a healthy pregnancy, it would be nice not to smoke. Because the fetus can be exposed to harmful substances if pregnant women actively smoke.

It is important to know that smoking can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, birth defects, and sudden infant death syndrome. On the other hand, pregnant women who actively smoke are also associated with the risk of babies dying at birth, ectopic pregnancy and placental abruption.

To achieve a healthy pregnancy, pregnant women are not only advised not to smoke, but also to avoid secondhand smoke.

Maintaining health and maintaining pregnancy conditions is important to achieve a healthy pregnancy. Never hesitate to do a health consultation with an obstetrician, and never procrastinate to do routine checks during pregnancy. Because it is useful so that the health conditions of pregnant women and fetuses are always monitored and maintained.
