Experience 5L? Anaemia alert!

Experience 5L? Anaemia alert!

Anemia is, by definition, a condition where our hemoglobin levels are lower than the normal limit. It is said to be anemia if a person's hemoglobin level is less than 12 g/dL for women and less than 13 g/dL for men. Hemoglobin is a component in red blood cells whose job it is to bind oxygen to be carried throughout the body for the metabolism of all cells.

Anemia is often associated with 5L (weakness, tiredness, lethargy, tiredness, and inattention). 5L is the main symptom of anemia sufferers that we can encounter at the beginning if we experience anemia. Such things as getting tired easily, having no energy, tending to get sleepy easily, and having difficulty concentrating—even teenage students who find it difficult to understand lessons at school and whose school performance is not good—could be signs of anemia. Because hemoglobin's function is to deliver oxygen to all body cells, including the brain, If little oxygen is brought to the brain, of course, it will make it difficult for us to concentrate and become sleepy easily. Apart from that, in general, the body's cells will also lack oxygen and energy, which makes people suffering from anemia easily tired and lethargic.

Causes of anemia

Broadly speaking, anemia is caused by two things, namely:

  1. Insufficient hemoglobin formation is caused by: 
  1. Lack of iron, which is the basic ingredient that forms hemoglobin
  2. Lack of other substances that also form hemoglobin, namely folic acid and B12
  3. There are certain disorders due to certain diseases, such as thalassemia.
  1. Excessive production or excessive breakdown of red blood cells is caused by:
  1. Heavy bleeding like a woman whose menstruation is long and heavy due to a special problem in her uterus 
  2. A blood disorder occurs where the red blood cells break down excessively and prematurely, or what we call hemolytic anemia.

Who is at risk of developing anemia?

Anemia is caused by many things, but there are certain groups who are at risk of developing anemia. Anemia is most often experienced by teenagers, breastfed babies, and the elderly who eat or have insufficient intake. Apart from that, pregnant women whose intake is insufficient are also at risk of developing anemia. Vegetarian people who consume less meat are also at risk of developing anemia because meat is also a source of iron

Anemia Treatment

Anemia is cured in different ways. Each cure for anemia is tailored to the cause. Not all anemia is cured with blood-boosting tablets. For example, if anemia is caused by iron deficiency, then, of course, treat it by eating foods that contain lots of iron. Or if anemia is caused by a certain autoimmune disease that causes excessive breakdown of red blood cells, then of course the autoimmune disease is treated. And if the anemia you experience is severe and the hemoglobin level reaches 8 g/dL, then the treatment is a blood transfusion. Doctors play an important role in determining the cause of anemia and providing appropriate therapy.

Anemia Complications 

In the long term, anemia can cause heart problems. If hemoglobin levels are low, the heart will work harder to pump blood throughout the body so that there is sufficient oxygen in the body's cells. As a result, there was interference with the heart muscles; the heart became big and thick, so he experienced complaints such as shortness of breath and walking that was a little breathless due to complications occurring with the heart.

If you experience symptoms of 5L, then immediately consult a doctor to get treatment. Do not come to consult a doctor when you experience serious complaints such as a faster heartbeat or tachycardia. If treatment is delayed, then the treatment will be more complex.

Friends of Hermina, see the complete explanation about anemia in the Hermina Podcast episode with Dr. Siti Hapsari Mitayani, Sp.PD (click here).

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