anak, dokter anak, defisiensi besi, anemia defisiensi besi

Children Can Experience Iron Deficiency Anemia, Here's How to Prevent It!

As we know, iron deficiency anemia is anemia that occurs due to reduced iron supply for erythropoiesis, empty iron stores (depleted iron stores) which ultimately result in reduced hemoglobin formation. Iron is part of the Hemoglobin molecule, with reduced iron, hemoglobin synthesis will decrease and cause hemoglobin levels to decrease. Hemoglobin is a very vital element for the human body, because low hemoglobin levels affect the ability to deliver O2 which is very much needed by all body tissues.
It should be noted that in iron deficiency there is also a negative iron balance including:
1. Stage 1 (Iron Depletion): Decreased iron reserves (Ferittin)
2. Stage 2 (Iron Deficient Erythropoesis) Decreased transferrin saturation
3. Stage 3 (Iron Deficient Anemia) Microcytic hypochromic, Anemia
Then after knowing the stages of negative iron balance, it is also necessary to know the principles of iron deficiency anemia management, namely first determine the diagnosis, trace or eliminate the cause, iron therapy, improve nutrition and finally education. From that we can find out the cause of ADB, the causes are: 1. Babies under 1 year old, due to insufficient iron reserves due to low birth weight, prematurity, twins, exclusive breastfeeding without iron supplementation, low iron formula, rapid growth and anemia during pregnancy. In addition, the cause is an allergy to cow's milk protein. 2. Children aged 1-2 years, due to insufficient iron intake due to not getting additional food or drinking too much pure milk, obesity, increased needs due to repeated or chronic infections, and malabsorption.

3. Children aged 2-5 years, due to insufficient iron intake due to food types that do not contain heme Fe or excessive milk consumption, obesity, increased needs due to repeated or chronic infections, either bacterial, viral or parasitic, and excessive losses due to bleeding or Meckel's diverticulum / polyposis etc.
4. Children aged 5 years - adolescents, due to excessive losses due to bleeding (eg hookworm infestation) and excessive menstruation in adolescent girls.
Therefore, to prevent iron deficiency anemia in children, prevention is needed such as increasing the use of exclusive breastfeeding, providing foods that contain lots of iron, foods that increase iron absorption, avoiding foods that inhibit iron absorption, providing supplements to premature babies, and providing complementary foods containing iron. After knowing how to prevent children from experiencing Iron Deficiency Anemia, it is also necessary to understand that there are strategies for preventing Iron Deficiency or Iron Deficiency Anemia, namely:
1. Prenatal and Neonatal Period:
• Iron supplementation for pregnant women as much as 30-60 mg per day, and 120 mg per day for anemia
• Reduce maternal DB/ADB by 70%
• Premature / BBRL decreases
• Better interaction between mother and baby
• Slow umbilical cord cutting
• Umbilical cord massage
2. Age period 6-24 months:
• Breast milk
• Foods containing enough iron
• Iron supplementation
3. Adolescent Period:
• Diet containing enough iron
• Iron supplementation
Created by: dr. Nisrina Syahdu, Sp.A., M.Kes
Indonesian Pediatrician Association (2013), Iron Deficiency Anemia in Infants and Children. Averrous Journal Vol.4 No.2 (2018), Iron Deficiency Anemia
