Children experience nearsightedness, is it a hereditary factor?

Children experience nearsightedness, is it a hereditary factor?

Farsightedness or in medical terms called myopia is a vision disorder that causes objects that are close to look clearer but objects that are far away look blurry. This vision disorder is often thought to only attack the elderly because age is said to cause the body's organs to become tired and begin to lose their function. However, in fact, this condition of nearsightedness can also occur in young children and is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors. Although it is not absolute, children who have parents with nearsightedness have a risk of developing nearsighted vision as well. Apart from that, environmental influences also play an important role in the occurrence of nearsightedness in children, such as reading too often at close range, watching television, playing on the computer and playing with gadgets too often.

Factors that cause nearsightedness in children: 

    Genetic Factors 

Nearsightedness tends to run in families. If one of the parents is nearsighted, the risk of the child developing this condition will also increase. 

    Reading books too closely 

Reading books is very good for supporting brain development. However, if a child is used to reading books at close range, this will increase the risk of nearsightedness in the child

    Looking at the device screen for too long 

Most parents give gadgets to their children as a medium for entertainment and play. However, without realizing it, dealing with a device screen for too long can cause a child to become nearsighted (myopia). Moreover, if children stare at a device screen for a long time and at a close viewing distance.
Symptoms of nearsightedness: 

    Rub your eyes frequently 

    Constantly squinting to see distant objects 

    When looking at the device, you have to move closer 

    Often feel dizzy and have headaches 

How to prevent nearsightedness in children 

If a child has been diagnosed as nearsighted by a doctor, then there is no therapy or treatment that can be done to eliminate nearsightedness. But there are several ways that parents can do to prevent the worsening of nearsightedness in children, including: 

    Limit the use of electronic devices 

    Get used to doing outdoor activities 

    Don't read or look too closely at the screen 

    Do regular eye checks
In this case, the role of parents is very important to maintain children's eye health. It is recommended that children undergo regular eye examinations from an ophthalmologist at a health service facility. Healthy greetings
Reference :

Novalinda, R. (2020). Subjective correction of hypermetropia sufferers at Super Optical Padang.

Ariaty, Y., Kumaladewi Hengki, H., & Arfianty. (2019). Factors that influence the occurrence of myopia in Catholic elementary school students in the city of Parepare.



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