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Is it true that age affects hearing quality? Come on, get to know presbycusis

Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is hearing loss that occurs gradually in both ears and commonly occurs with age. This disease affects more than half of adults by the time they reach the age of 65 years. Hearing loss is often considered a normal thing in the aging process, as a result of which treatment is given late which results in a decrease in quality of life and social isolation.
Presbycusis causes gradual hearing loss in both ears and most often affects the ability to hear high-pitched sounds such as a telephone ringing or birds singing. Apart from that, presbycusis sufferers often experience complaints of ringing in their ears, difficulty hearing someone speak in noisy places, and even pain in their ears when the person they are talking to increases the volume of their voice.
How to prevent presbycusis? Presbycusis is a process of degeneration or aging of the sense of hearing, so it is difficult to prevent. However, there are several things you can do to prevent further damage to your hearing. These include avoiding loud noises, using ear protection if you work in a place where there is a risk of exposure to noise, carrying out ear checks and routine hearing screening from an ENT doctor.
When should I see an ENT doctor? See an ENT doctor if you have difficulty hearing or if someone close to you feels you have difficulty communicating. Presbycusis occurs slowly over time, so in the early stages you may not realize or feel that there is hearing loss. However, if you experience sudden or sudden hearing loss (within a few hours or days), see an ENT doctor immediately because you may have a more serious problem than presbycusis.
Sudden hearing loss can be caused by infection or wax buildup in the ear, and can also be caused by problems with the auditory nerve in the inner ear. If this is the case, you may need medication to prevent permanent hearing loss. Therefore, if Hermina friends experience complaints and hearing problems, it is highly recommended that they immediately undergo an examination with an ENT specialist at the nearest hospital and you can also go to an ENT specialist at RSU Hermina Manado. In order to immediately get treatment for the complaints you are experiencing, we hope this information is useful for Hermina's friends.
