spesialis bedah, orthopedi, tulang, lutut

What is Arthroscopy? Purpose, Benefits and Risks

Arthroscopy is procedure Minimally invasive surgery is used For diagnose and treat joint problems .​ Procedure This involve use tool specifically mentioned​ arthroscope , a camera small included​ to in joints through incision small . Arthroscopy can used For joints knees , shoulders, wrists hands , elbows, ankles and hips . Following This is explanation about procedure arthroscopy , its benefits , as well necessary things​ considered .

Procedure Arthroscopy

  1. Preparation : Before undergo arthroscopy , patient usually will undergo inspection physical and possible test blood or imaging such as an MRI or X-ray for determine problem joints .
  2. Anesthesia : Procedure This usually done with anesthesia local , regional, or general depending on the joint that will be checked and preferences doctor .
  3. Procedure : Surgeon​ will make a number of incision small all around joints that will checked . Arthroscope entered through one​ incision This is possible doctor For see part in joints on the monitor screen .
  4. Further Action : If necessary , tool surgery small other can entered through incision addition For repair damage network , eliminate inflamed tissue , or​ take sample For biopsy .
  5. Closing : After procedure done , incision small will closed with stitching or adhesive tape and closed with bandage .

Benefits of Arthroscopy

  1. Minimally Invasive : Arthroscopy only need incision small , which means more less pain and time​ more recovery​ fast compared to with surgery open traditional .
  2. Accurate Diagnosis : Arthroscopy possible doctor see direct part in joints , providing more diagnosis accurate For condition like tear meniscus , damage ligaments , and inflammation joints .
  3. Repair and Treatment : Apart from diagnosis, arthroscopy can also be done used For treat various condition joints in One procedures , such as remove fragment bone or Loose cartilage , repair​ ligaments , or clean infected tissue .​
  4. Recovery Fast : Because the procedure is minimally invasive , patients usually can went home the same day and started rehabilitation more hurry up , speed up recovery functional joints .

Considerations and Risks

  1. Risk Infection : Like procedure surgery others , arthroscopy own risk infection although very low .
  2. Damage Network : There are risks small happen damage to tissue , nerves , or vessels blood all around joints .
  3. Reaction to Anesthesia : Reaction negative to anesthesia is also a necessary risks​ considered .
  4. Swelling and Pain: Patient may experience swelling and pain after procedure , which is usual can overcome with drug painkillers and ice packs .​
  5. Not completed with One Procedure : In some cases , arthroscopy Possible No fully finish problems , and operations addition Possible required .


Arthroscopy is Very useful and effective procedure for diagnosis and treatment various problem joints . With advantages of minimally invasive and rapid recovery , arthroscopy become choice popular for Lots patients and doctors . However , like all procedure medical , important For understand benefits and risks as well as consult with professional experienced medical officer before undergo arthroscopy .

Reference :

  1. https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/treatment/arthroscopy/#:~:text=Arthroscopy%20is%20a%20surgical%20procedure,to%20look%20within%20the%20joint.%22
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/arthroscopy/about/pac-20392974
  3. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/arthroscopy

