What Are Gallstones? Symptoms and Treatment

What Are Gallstones? Symptoms and Treatment

Gallstones​ is conditions that occur when the formation of solid material ( such as cholesterol or bilirubin) in bag gallbladder , a small organ located beneath​​ heart . bag bile functioning For keep fluid bile , which is necessary For help digestion of fat. However , disorders in balance composition bile can cause formation of gallstones .

Causes of Gallstones

Gallstones​ usually formed of two types :

  1. Cholesterol Stones : Formed from excess cholesterol that is not Can dissolved by bile . Stone type This is the most common.
  2. Pigment Stone : Made of from excess bilirubin, a compound produced by the breakdown of cell blood red.

Risk factors gallstone formation​ includes :

  • Obesity : Excess body weight can increase level cholesterol in gallbladder , which is at risk forming gallstones​
  • Diabetes : People with diabetes have trend For own high blood fat levels , which can trigger rock formation
  • Gender and Age : Gallstones more general occurs in women and people over 40 years of age.
  • Heredity : Family history with gallstones​ increase risk somebody caught same condition.​

Gallstone Symptoms​

Gallstones​ often not​ cause symptoms . However , if the stone blocks channel bile or cause inflammation , symptoms Can in the form of :

  • Sudden pain in the part right on or middle stomach.
  • Radiating pain to back or right shoulder.
  • Nauseous or vomit.
  • Yellow on the skin or eyes ( jaundice ), especially if the stone causes blockage in the channel bile.


Complications that can occur happen due to gallstones includes :

  • Cholecystitis : Inflammation bag bile consequence gallstone obstruction.​
  • Pancreatitis : Inflammation pancreas caused by blockage​ channel pancreas by gallstones.

Gallstone Treatment​

Gallstone treatment​ varies depending on the symptoms and level severity . Some choice treatment includes :

  1. Observation : If gallstones No cause symptoms , no required treatment special.
  2. Cholecystectomy : Removal bag bile through operation is the most common and effective treatment for gallstones that cause​ symptom or complications​.
  3. Medications : Medications that help dissolve gallstones​ can used in several case , although the process slow and not always succeed.


Adopt style life Healthy like guard healthy weight , avoiding​ food fatty high , and sport regular can help reduce risk gallstone formation.​


Reference :

• https://www.alodokter.com/batu-empedu#:~:text=Gejala%20utama%20batu%20empedu%20adalah,%2C%20sakit%20maag%2C%20dan%20diare.

• https://hellosehat.com/pencernaan/empedu/batu-empedu/

• https://doktersehat.com/penyakit-a-z/batu-empedu-gallstone/

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