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What Are Congenital Heart Defects in Babies?

Sahabat Hermina, a healthy baby is the dream of all parents. In fact, not all babies have healthy hearts because some of them have heart defects. One of the heart defects that can occur in infants is ventricular septal defects. According toMayo Clinic, Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) is a hole in the heart where the direction of blood flow changes in the heart and lungs. The hole allows oxygen-rich blood to return to the lungs instead of out into the body. Oxygen-rich blood and oxygen-poor blood mix together. If the ventricular septal defect is large, the blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries may increase. The heart then has to work harder to pump blood.

VSD or congenital heart defects are the most common heart problems. Babies with small VSDs are unlikely to cause serious problems, but those with moderate or larger VSDs are required to carry out additional treatment to prevent complications, such as heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, irregular heart rhythms (artemia), and others. -other.

The causes of heart defects in babies are not clearly known. Some babies who have heart defects are caused by genetic factors or are suspected of being due to other risk factors, such as drugs or food consumed by the mother during pregnancy.

VSD symptoms

VSD symptoms usually appear after the baby is born. If the opening is small, it usually closes on its own and the baby may not show any signs of the defect. However, if the hole is large, the baby may have symptoms, including shortness of breath, poor weight gain, rapid and heavy breathing, or fatigue from feedings.

Types of VSD Treatment

Treatment for a VSD depends on the size of the hole and the problems it causes. If the VSD is small and causes no symptoms, the doctor will examine the baby to make sure there are no signs of complications and that the hole is closing on its own. If the hole does not close on its own or the VSD is large, additional procedures may be needed, including cardiac catheterization or open heart surgery to close the hole and restore normal blood flow.

After surgery, the doctor will make sure that the ventricular septal defect remains closed. Most children with an occlusive VSD (either alone or after surgery) lead healthy lives. Some children will also need medicines to help strengthen their heart muscle and lower their blood pressure. In addition, babies with ventricular septal defects become tired while feeding and don't eat enough to gain weight. To ensure that the baby stays healthy, it is important to provide adequate nutrition, for example special high-calorie formula milk.

How to Overcome VSD

The cause of VSD is still unclear, so the treatment that can be done to prevent this disorder in infants is early detection of pregnancy. Most heart defects in babies can be detected by ultrasound during pregnancy. Therefore, prenatal checks are very important to identify various abnormalities in the fetus and discuss a healthy lifestyle. In addition, prevention can be done through vaccination, including rubella which can cause problems in the development of the baby's heart.

So, if your baby has difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, or other symptoms, immediately consult a Pediatric Cardiologist for further treatment. Stay safe and stay healthy!
