What are black spots and how to treat them

What are black spots and how to treat them

Knowing what black spots are
Dark spots are a normal condition and can happen to anyone, especially fair-skinned people. This condition is usually caused by increased production of the skin's natural pigment (melanin). Dark spots are characterized by dark patches on the face, hands, shoulders, and other parts of the body.
This skin problem is mostly caused by exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation. Certain skin conditions or medication side effects can also cause blackheads.
Black spots are also often referred to as hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation occurs when melanocyte cells produce too much melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin, eyes and hair their color. The more you are exposed to sunlight, the more melanin is produced which tends to protect the skin from UV rays. Dark pigments protect the skin from the added risk of sun exposure.

This condition is actually harmless, but often this skin problem is difficult to get rid of.
Causes of black spots
There are several causes of black spots on the face. The main cause is ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, especially in middle age or 45-65 years. The effects of prolonged sun exposure usually start to show at this age, especially if you have never used sunscreen or consistently protected your skin from the sun. In addition to ultraviolet light exposure from the sun, there are several other problems such as :

1.Skin problems
2.Side effects of medication
3.Skin discoloration after inflammation caused by acne, rashes or scratches and certain skin conditions
4.Environmental factors

How to treat dark spots
Dark spots can fade or disappear completely with prescription medications, medical procedures, and home remedies. The following treatment options are often thought to fade dark spots:
1.Use Sunscreen
To protect the skin from UV rays, use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher when outdoors, especially for fair-skinned people who are at risk of blackheads.
2.Whitening Cream
Whitening creams usually contain hydroquinone which inhibits melanin production and lightens dark areas of the skin.

The appearance of blackheads can be anticipated by using sunscreen with a protection factor of SPF 50. Another trick is a wide hat and comfortable clothes that protect the body from the sun. Also avoid being outside for too long when the weather is sunny, which is between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.
3.Laser Treatment
There are different lasers to treat freckles on the face. These lasers target melanin to break down the dark spots that appear. The impact of laser therapy is also relatively low.

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dr Yefta, M.Sc, M.H., Sp.D.V.E (2024)

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