wanita, perempuan, kulit, kecantikan, jerawat, skincare

What is acne? Causes & How to Prevent Acne

Acne, also known as acne, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the polysebaceous follicles. Usually acne / acne often occurs at the age of 14-17 years in women and ages 16-19 years in men.

Where can acne appear?

In addition to the face, acne can also appear on the shoulders, upper chest and upper back. Other skin locales such as the neck, upper arms and gluteal/buttocks can sometimes be affected as well.

What factors can cause acne?

The following are some of the factors that cause acne:

1. Hormonal factors

Increased hormone levels can cause an increase in oil production which causes acne

2. Improper use of cosmetics

Improper use of cosmetics on oily and acne-prone skin can cause blockages in the pores, causing acne

3. Psychological stress

Psychological stress can trigger the activity of the sebaceous glands / oil glands.

4. side effects of certain drugs

5. facial skin hygiene


How to prevent the appearance of acne?

1. Diet low in fat and carbohydrates low in sugar (glycemic index)

2. Perform skin care to clean the surface of the skin from dirt such as dust, oil, bacteria.

3. Live regularly and healthy, get enough rest

4. avoid stress

5. Use of cosmetics in moderation, both in quantity and duration

6. Avoid dust pollution, squeezing lesions that are not lege artist

Acne Facts vs Myths

Myth 1: Adults can't have acne

Not true, in the survey conducted, it was found that older patients still had acne problems in their 30s, 40s and even 50s.

Myth 2: Chocolate and soda can cause acne

The idea of ​​this opinion still does not have strong research data. Consumption of foods and beverages that are high in sugar and dairy products (milk, cheese, butter) in some studies has shown an increase in the severity of acne, so it is advisable to limit their daily intake.

Myth 3: Don't use sunscreen because it can make acne worse

We just need to choose the right sunscreen for each skin condition

Myth 4: Make-up causes acne

Makeup can cause irritation / acne on the skin when using the wrong product. It is recommended to choose cosmetics that are non-comedogenic. And don't forget to remove make up before going to bed

Myth 5: Washing your face often is good

Washing your face after a day's activities and after wearing makeup is recommended. But if you wash your face too often, it can strip the skin of moisture. And it is not recommended to wash your face excessively, just 2 times a day.

Acne can improve over time. However, some acne conditions are sometimes difficult to prevent even though the risk factors have been avoided, you should immediately consult a dermatologist if the complaints that appear are getting worse
