
What is Nomophobia : Feelings of Fear from Gadgets

Friends of Hermina, how long a day do you play gadgets? it could be hours a day to browse the internet, and of course most of them open social media so you don't miss the latest updates.

Currently, the existence of gadgets is increasingly difficult to separate from our daily lives, even now you can communicate remotely with other people, see entertainment, shop, study, and more. This condition makes you unable to be far from gadgets and can even spend long time playing gadgets.

However, do you know, Friends of Hermina, that this has a bad impact, if you play gadgets too often, one of them causes nomophobia.

What is Nomophobia?

Nomophobia or No Mobile Phone Phobia is a condition of excessive fear that arises when away from gadgets. If this habit is carried out continuously, of course it can have an impact on mental health.

When the gadget is not in their hands they will feel a strong fear, so that it can interfere with their daily activities. This fear can cause symptoms that may be caused, such as:

Feeling scared, panicked and anxious when the gadget is not in hand
Feel tight in the chest
Body shaking
Heart rate becomes faster

Why Can Someone Have Nomophobia?

Why can't someone who has nomophobia stay away from his gadget because he's afraid of missing out on information (not updating) he has to make sure that he's always online So every minute he has to make sure that his gadget is functioning properly. These conditions can cause a feeling of loneliness and because you don't want to experience loneliness, gadgets must always be within reach.

How to Overcome Nomophobia?

Socialize more with friends and closest people by interacting directly, rather than chatting through applications or social media.
Limit the use of gadgets, such as turning them off at night to sleep better. At breakfast, lunch or dinner, keep gadgets away to make it easier to reduce gadget dependence
Learn to balance time, that is, we must distinguish between using gadgets for more productive interests or not. Until the house has finished its work, it means we must be committed to getting rid of gadgets so that there is no desire to pick it up and open it
Remove some applications that spend time looking at gadgets

If Hermina's best friend is experiencing nomophobia and hindering her daily activities, you can consult with Dr. Agustina Ekasari, M.Psi, Psychologist or other Psychologists at Hermina Bekasi Hospital to get proper treatment.

Download the app Hello Hermina to make an appointment with specialist doctors at Hermina Bekasi Hospital
