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What is Appendicitis? Come on, get to know the symptoms and causes!!!

Appendicitis is an inflammatory condition of the intestine (appendix).Most causes of appendicitis are infections that don't get help as soon as possible. Well, the appendix or appendix is ​​a sac-shaped organ measuring 5-10 centimeters which is connected to the large intestine from the lower right side of the stomach.Symptoms of appendicitis initially include pain in the lower right abdominal area. Additionally, anyone can get appendicitis, but this disease most often targets those between the ages of 10 and 30.


Causes of Appendicitis

The size and location of the appendix makes it easily blocked and infected. For example, the large intestine is the “home” for many bacteria, and if too many are trapped in the appendix, they grow too quickly and can cause infection. In some cases, appendicitis initially occurs with infection, and sometimes secondary infection. Swelling in the appendix can reduce or close the opening and trap more bacteria inside. Common causes of appendicitis include:


  1. Hardened Stools (Appendicitis Stones)

Hard, hard fecal deposits known as fecalites, appendicoliths, or stones, or appendix stones may be included in the appendix opening. They carry bacteria and also trap bacteria already present in the appendix.

  1. Lymphoid Hyperplasia

The lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system, helps fight infection by producing and releasing white blood cells into the tissues.

This can cause the lymphoid tissue in the appendix to swell, even when the original infection is elsewhere in the body. Swollen tissue in the appendix can block it and cause infection in it.

  1. Colitis

Inflammation in the colon from infection or inflammatory bowel disease can affect the appendix. The infection may spread, or the inflammation itself may irritate it.

Apart from that, other causes that can occur include:

  • A respiratory tract infection can cause the lymph nodes in the intestinal wall to become swollen
  • Thickening or swelling of the appendix wall tissue due to infection of the digestive tract or other parts of the body.
  • Injuries resulting from trauma to the stomach
  • Tumor


Risk Factors for Appendicitis

Appendicitis or appendicitis can attack anyone. But some people may be more likely to develop this condition than others.

Risk factors for appendicitis include:

  • Age

Appendicitis most often attacks the age range of 10-30 years but can occur at any age

  • Gender

Appendicitis occurs more often in men than women.

  • Family History

People who have a family history of appendicitis are at high risk of developing it.

Apart from that, appendicitis is also often related to an unhealthy lifestyle

The reason is, there are several trivial habits that can increase the risk of appendicitis.


Symptoms of Appendicitis

Symptoms of appendicitis in each sufferer will vary, depending on the location, age and position of the appendix. However, general symptoms of appendicitis can cause certain characteristics.

What do you feel when you have appendicitis? The following are some symptoms of appendicitis:

  • Sudden pain that begins on the right side of the lower abdomen.
  • Sudden pain that starts around the navel and often moves to the lower right abdomen.
  • The pain worsens if the sufferer coughs, walks or makes other jarring movements.
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • A mild fever that may worsen as the disease progresses
  • Bloated.


Prevention of Appendicitis

Until now, there is no definite way that doctors can do to prevent appendicitis. Even so, you can implement several healthy lifestyle practices to reduce the risk.

Here are some healthy lifestyle practices that you can do:

  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking sufficient amounts of water
  • Increase consumption of food sources of fiber such as fruit and vegetables
  • Carry out regular health checks
  • Consume foods high in probiotics such as yogurt to maintain digestive health
  • Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes.

If you experience the above symptoms and do not improve, immediately consult your health at RSU Hermina Medan with a specialist in digestive surgery.
