
What is an Orthodontist? What Checks and Treatments Are Performed?

Hello Hermina Friends, we often encounter problems with our teeth and are confused about choosing a dentist or orthodontist. Although both are experts on teeth and mouth, these two professions are fundamentally different. So, Friends of Hermina, let's find out what an orthodontist is.

Orthodontic Specialist :

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that studies the growth and development of the structure of the teeth, jaw/head and facial bones from infancy, childhood to adulthood.

Orthodontic Goals:

The goals of the Orthodontist Specialist are:

1. To direct or correct the growth and development of these structures with the end result being harmonious between the relationships of the teeth, jawbones and face and also the function of mastication can be carried out more perfectly.

2. To support efforts to clean teeth and better gum health.

3. To improve the appearance of teeth and face which will affect confidence in social life.

Types of Orthodontic Appliances:

1. Removable appliance : Orthodontic appliance which can be removed by the patient. It can function to move the teeth but its movement is limited. It can also be used as retention after orthodontic treatment is complete.

2. Functional tools: Tools used during the growth period. To direct jaw growth.

3. Fixed appliance: Orthodontic appliance attached to the teeth with special materials can correct the arrangement of the teeth with maximum movement. Is an orthodontic appliance that is generally used today or often called today.

Types of Orthodontic Treatment:

There are various types of devices commonly used in orthodontic treatment, including removable orthodontic appliances, fixed orthodontic appliances, combined removable and fixed orthodontic appliances, and orthodontic appliances for children in their developmental period.


Fixed orthodontic appliance, also known as stirrup or braces, is an orthodontic appliance that is permanently attached to the patient's teeth during orthodontic treatment. Its use has a wide range of functions to improve occlusion and alignment of teeth in various cases and ages. There are several types of braces that can be used for orthodontic treatment, adjusted to the case and patient needs, such as metal braces, ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, and lingual braces.

Examination and treatment that can be carried out by an orthodontist specialist dentist:

Orthodontic specialist dentists have the expertise or competence to carry out several dental and oral examinations and treatments, namely:

• Supervise the growth and development of the teeth and jaws of children and adolescents.

• Conduct an analysis of the composition of the teeth and jaws based on dental prints and radiological examination results

• Diagnosing abnormalities in the arrangement of teeth and jaws

• Create a treatment plan to restore alignment of teeth and jaws

• Installing tools to help straighten the teeth such as fixed braces, removable braces along with other tools that usually accompany braces treatment such as bite enhancers, jaw expansion devices and molar bands.

• Carry out control during and after the dental treatment process is complete

• Install devices to treat abnormal jaw position, such as head gear.

• Performing surgery to tidy up the arrangement of teeth and jaws.

If a friend of Hermina wants to do a dental check-up and treatment, you can go to drg. Farizka, SpOrt (Orthodontic Specialist)

