What is Varicose Veins? How Not to Get Varicose Veins?

What is Varicose Veins? How Not to Get Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are the dilation and bending of the veins that most often occur in the lower body or legs with a bluish or purplish color with a dilation of at least 3 mm when measured in an upright position. The risk factors for this disease are usually due to a family history of venous disease, more common in women, age, obesity, pregnancy, constipation, tumors, and standing too long.

The symptoms of varicose veins include:
1. Appears on one or both sides of the body
2. Pain, burning, itching or tingling
3. Swelling
4. Usually occurs at night after the patient stands all day, will disappear when the patient sits or lifts his leg

Various treatments for varicose veins include conservative treatment and interventional therapy.

Conservative treatment includes:
1. Changing lifestyle by avoiding standing too long and straining too long
2. Sports
3. Do not wear tight clothes
4. Avoid cardiovascular risk factors
5. Avoid swelling in the peripheral areas, namely the ankles, feet, hands and arms
6. Lose weight
7.Phlebotonics, namely oral and topical therapy that can increase venous tone, increase capillary hyperpermeability, and reduce blood viscosity with the aim of reducing symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency

The above is done if you don't want to do surgery or surgery, don't want intervention and the patient is pregnant.

Intervention therapy includes:
1. Thermal ablation, which is a minimally invasive procedure by destroying the damaged vein using a laser or radio waves
2. Endovenous sclerotherapy, namely injecting the superficial veins with special drugs that cause shrinkage and deflation until the varicose veins disappear
3. Operation, but if it doesn't heal after thermal ablation and sclerotherapy
In determining to choose the right treatment if someone has varicose veins and has complained of pain or discomfort, it must be adjusted to the conditions of each patient. The goal of treating varicose veins is to relieve symptoms, prevent them from getting worse, and avoid complications in the form of sores or bleeding.
Consult your health at Hermina Balikpapan Hospital, if you have symptoms of varicose veins as described above, immediately consult a specialist for proper treatment.

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