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What is Vertigo ?

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness that causes a false sensation that a person or the environment around him is spinning or moving. Broadly speaking, there are two types of vertigo. In accordance with the body's balance center which is located in two locations, namely the inner ear and the brain. It is called peripheral vertigo if the cause is in the inner ear, and central vertigo if the cause is from the balance center in the brain.


Not all dizziness is vertigo.

If you come to the doctor and say you have a headache. Then the doctor will ask again what the dizziness is like. Complaints of dizziness which are symptoms of vertigo are spinning, the ground shaking, standing unbalanced.


What's the reason?

There are various causes of vertigo. It could be due to calcium deposits in the semicircular canals of the inner ear, viral infections, bacteria, cysts, strokes, tumors, and even side effects of medications. To confirm possible causes, you should definitely check with neurology specialist.


How is vertigo treated?

Vertigo treatment is carried out with drugs (pharmacology) and without drugs (non-pharmacology). A combination of the two is done to get optimal results. Acupuncture therapy is a drug-free therapy modality.


What is Acupuncture Therapy? How does it benefit Vertigo?

Originating from China and thousands of years old, acupuncture therapy is known as a therapy using fine needles that are inserted into the body's acupuncture points. There are many evidence-based medical journals regarding the benefits of acupuncture on health. Since 1991, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized acupuncture as a method of treatment and recommended it to be integrated into the health system of each member country. In 2002, acupuncture was used in at least 78 countries.

There have been many journals that describe the benefits of acupuncture therapy for vertigo, namely :

  • Improved blood circulation in the vertebral-basilar arteries, important blood vessels in the balance of the brain as well as microcirculation in the area around the puncture site.
  • Widens blood vessels thereby reducing calcium deposits in the semicircular canals.
  • Regulation of inflammatory factors via endorphins.
  • Overcoming the symptoms of nausea and vomiting which often occur in cases of vertigo.


What does acupuncture feel like? Sick?

Whether it hurts or not actually depends on each person's different pain threshold. Acupuncture needles are very fine and should be no more painful than being pricked by a needle. Some people say it feels like being bitten by an ant, others say it feels like an electric shock, soreness, cramps. But this discomfort will disappear by itself. The risks of acupuncture needle insertion are also of course very minimal compared to other invasive therapies.
