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What Causes Children to Walk Late

Friends of Hermina, you need to know that many parents expect their children to grow and develop according to their age. At the age of 12 to 18 months, the child should be able to walk naturally. However, if it is past the age of 18 months and the child is still not able to walk on his own, he may have a developmental delay condition. Children like this usually have a disorder. Therefore, intervention and stimulation should be given early. Before going any further, here are the stages of motor movement development that occur in children: 6 to 8 months: sitting and crawling. 12 to 18 months: walk on a vine while holding onto a wall, chair, or table; walk without a handrail for several minutes.At 18 to 24 months, he walks alone without difficulty, carries toys or any large object unaided, and can go up and down stairs with assistance. 24 to 36 months: able to run, climb, climb/descend stairs without assistance, and walk on tiptoe.

Before going any further, here are the stages of motor movement development that occur in children: 6 to 8 months: sitting and crawling. 12 to 18 months: walk on a vine while holding onto a wall, chair, or table; walk for several minutes without a handrail.At 18 to 24 months, he walks alone without difficulty, carries toys or any large object unaided, and can go up and down stairs with assistance. 24 to 36 months: able to run, climb, climb/descend stairs without assistance, and walk on tiptoe. There are various reasons for this delay. The following are some of the reasons that cause children to walk late: Motherhood and pregnancy factor For example, fever during pregnancy, malnutrition, infection during pregnancy Labor Factor Prolonged labor, babies born not crying right away, blue babies born, jaundiced babies, low or very low birth weight, prematurity Child Factor Febrile seizures, high fever, infection of the lining of the brain or infection of the brain, falling and hitting the head Hypoglycemia, HypothyroidismLack of Stimulation Children are often carried, or put to sleep on a bed, not stimulated to sit, crawl, or stand and walk. Attitude/Character

"Character" is a personal desire that will affect behavior. Sometimes, children prefer to crawl. Therefore, parents just need to wait for the right time for their children to grow up according to their wishes. In addition, do not forget to provide stimulation so that his feet are trained to walk. For children with walking or motor delays, it is also necessary to ascertain whether there are other delays, for example, speech delays. The first step is to determine the cause. Take your child to a pediatrician or a doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Appropriate and routine therapy is highly recommended for cases of children with delays, so that children can catch up with development according to their age. Do not take it lightly if your child has a developmental disorder. You need to know the cause so that medical treatment can be given as soon as possible. The earlier the child is given therapy, the better the results will be. You can also use the Halo Hermina mobile application for direct appointments with doctors anytime and anywhere. In addition, come on, download the Hello Hermina application now on the App Store and Google Play.
