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What is the Purpose of an EEG Examination?

EEG is short for electroencephalography. This is an examination technique related to nerves. Of course, this examination can only be done in a hospital on the advice of a doctor. Let's find out more about what the purpose of an EEG examination is and what the procedure looks like.


Definition of EEG Examination

It was mentioned earlier that EEG is electroencephalography. This is an examination that uses small metal discs known as electrodes. Later, the electrodes will be placed on the scalp. The concept is simple. This test will detect electrical activity in the brain.

EEG is executed by recording the activities that occur in brain cells. The end result of this check is a wavy line indicating the activity.

The EEG recording will show that there is communication activity through electrical impulses in the brain. The doctor needs the results of this EEG recording to make a diagnosis. Of course, the EEG recording results must be absolutely accurate because inaccurate recordings will only trigger a misdiagnosis.


Purpose of the EEG Examination

Each form of examination must have its own purpose. The EEG examination itself can determine changes in activity in the brain. This is what can later help doctors make a diagnosis related to diseases related to brain disorders. For example, epilepsy, seizure disorders, and so forth.

The following are several types of conditions that usually require an EEG examination :

  • Brain damage caused by a head injury

  • Tumors that arise and develop in the brain

  • Brain dysfunction is caused by various factors, otherwise known as encephalopathy

  • Inflammation of the brain, or encephalitis.

  • Sleep disorders such as insomnia

  • Trauma to the head

So it is clear that the purpose of an EEG examination is to detect disturbances in the brain and changes in brain activity. In addition, this EEG examination is also commonly performed to confirm brain death in patients who are in a persistent coma. Under certain conditions, the doctor will order a continuous EEG examination. This procedure is performed to find the most appropriate level of anesthesia in a comatose patient.


Examination Procedure

What is the EEG examination procedure like? The patient will undergo 3 stages during the EEG examination, preparation, examination process, and post-examination. The following is an explanation for each of these stages:

1. Test Preparation

Before carrying out the examination, the patient must prepare himself first. What the patient has to do is listen carefully to the doctor's explanations and directions. Generally, doctors will ask for information from patients about what types of drugs have been consumed so far. For a smooth and accurate examination, patients are also advised to wash their hair first. However, it is better for patients not to use conditioner products or other special hair products.

2. Test Procedure

During the examination, the patient will lie on a table or bed. Next, the technician will install approximately 20 small sensors on the patient's scalp. All of these sensors are known as electrodes and will work to retrieve activity data from each brain cell. The data will then be sent to the machine and displayed in the form of a series of lines or waves. The patient should relax during the examination process. Usually the technician will also ask the patient to take a deep and fast breath or can also ask the patient to stare at the light while blinking. All of these things can help change brain wave patterns, thereby increasing the accuracy of the examination.

3. After the test

If the EEG examination is complete, the technician will remove all the electrodes and wash off the glue holding the electrodes. Patients need to wait before finally going home. After making sure that there are no side effects such as seizures, the doctor will ask the patient to go home.


Factors That Interfere with EEG Examination Results

The recording of the EEG may be inaccurate and distorted. This condition occurs due to various factors. There are several patient conditions where the EEG recording results are not accurate enough and cannot be used to make a diagnosis. For example, in patients with low blood sugar and patients who are taking certain drugs Generally, patients with a history of high caffeine consumption also cannot get accurate EEG examination results. That is why patients should avoid consuming high amounts of caffeine before undergoing an examination.

It should also be noted that the use of hair oil, hair spray, or other chemicals also affects the results of the EEG examination. So it's better to just follow the doctor's advice not to use any hair products before the examination. Washing your hair may not be a problem as long as you only use regular shampoo and don't use other products.

Friends of Hermina already know what the purpose of an EEG examination is and what the procedure is like. If Hermina's friends are advised to do an EEG examination immediately, do it at the nearest Hermina Hospital, or Hermina's friends can also first consult with our specialist doctor online via Halo Hermina.
