puasa, obgyn, ibu hamil, dokter obgyn, ramadhan

Is it Safe? When Pregnant Women Fast During the Month of Ramadan

Hello Hermina Friends

Pregnant women who fast in the month of Ramadan is something that is very common in Muslim communities around the world. However, the decision to fast must be considered carefully because it can have an impact on the health of the mother and the baby she is carrying.

According to medical guidelines, pregnant women who are healthy and have normal pregnancies should not fast during Ramadan. This is because pregnant women need adequate nutritional intake to help the growth and development of the baby they contain, and fasting can interfere with the intake of the nutrients needed. But actually fasting during the month of Ramadan only changes the eating pattern that was changed during the day at night.

Fasting during Ramadan can also increase the risk of dehydration in pregnant women. During pregnancy, the body of pregnant women requires more water to support the growth of the baby and maintain its health of pregnant women. Therefore, not drinking water during fasting can reduce the intake of water needed by the body. However, if during Sahur and breaking the fast the mother fulfills the nutrients needed, then fasting for pregnant women is safe.

If pregnant women decide to continue fasting during Ramadan, there are steps they can take to maintain their health and comfort.

  • First, pregnant women must ensure that they get adequate nutrition when eating sahur and breaking their fast. Consumption of foods rich in nutrients such as fruits, and vegetables, sources of protein such as fish, meat, or beans, and complex carbohydrates such as rice or bread can help maintain the health of pregnant women and the babies they contain.
  • Second, pregnant women should ensure that they drink adequate amounts of water during the time allowed to drink during the fast. At least 8-10 glasses of water per day is very important to keep the body hydrated and helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Third, pregnant women should avoid strenuous exercise during Ramadan, especially during hot times. Excessive physical activity can increase the risk of dehydration and fatigue, which can have a negative impact on the health of pregnant women and their babies.
  • Fourth, pregnant women should always follow the doctor's advice and monitor their health regularly during Ramadhan

Fasting during the month of Ramadan for pregnant women will be safe if the conditions of the mother and prospective baby are healthy and follow the doctor's directions. If there are abnormal symptoms in the womb, you should immediately seek help from a medical obstetrician. At the Hermina Purwokerto hospital, services are available for pregnant women who wish to consult about pregnancy.

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  1.  Download the mobile application on Playstore (Type Hello Hermina) 
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  3. Through the website -> www.herminahospitals.com 
  4. Through the URL -> bit.ly/PendaftaranHerminaPurwokerto
  5. Through the Halodoc application
