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What are the Dangers of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy?

As is known in pregnant women and is a physiological condition that accompanies pregnancy. That's right, because it rarely causes complaints, so it's usually overlooked during antenatal check-ups. That's right, doctor, so often sufferers come with complications such as bleeding and pain, and we should be able to anticipate that right at the start of pregnancy.


In addition, giving birth normally is also the desire of most pregnant women. because hemorrhoids are one of the risks for contraindications to a normal birth. If we anticipate this from the start, the mother should still be able to give birth normally.


Because not all pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids. However, one of the predisposing factors for hemorrhoids in women is pregnancy, and that must be monitored.


Signs of hemorrhoids:

  1. When bleeding occurs, for example when defecating, blood appears and drips a fresh, red

  2. A lump begins to appear when defecating.

  3. In cases of hemorrhoids that are large enough, spots usually appear on their underwear. 

  4. And in cases of more severe hemorrhoids, pain, pain, and swelling of the anus usually begin


Hemorrhoids are basically harmless, yes, for pregnancy, meaning that a lump in the anus will not harm the fetus. However, what is dangerous is if the bleeding causes anemia, which is one of the things that aggravates the condition of pregnant women.


Why are pregnant women at risk for hemorrhoids?

During pregnancy, there is an increase in pregnancy hormones, which causes blood volume to increase and causes blood vessels to widen. So that these dilated blood vessels can cause hemorrhoids.

In addition, in pregnant women, there is an increase in the hormone progesterone. Progesterone has an effect that makes muscles relax, including those involved in slow bowel movements, which make defecation difficult and require pregnant women to strain during bowel movements.

In addition to the influence of hormones, the condition of the enlarged fetus will also increase pressure in the pelvic area and blood vessels around the anus, which results in venous obstruction and dilation of blood vessels in the anus.


Management of Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

Pregnant women are advised to keep eating lots of fibrous foods. Not all hemorrhoids in pregnant women have to be operated on; in general, hemorrhoids in pregnant women are temporary. Within 1-2 months after giving birth, the hemorrhoids will regress or disappear by themselves. The operation is performed if the hemorrhoids have caused anemia or if the hemorrhoids are large enough that pregnant women experience pain.

Prevention of Hemorrhoids in Pregnant Women

  1. Pregnant women should have lots of fibrous foods such as fruit, jelly, and chia seeds and drink lots of water.

  2. Pregnant women are also diligent in exercising, because one of the reasons pregnant women have difficulty defecating is due to the influence of progesterone. By exercising, bowel movements are maintained normally. Consult an obstetrician for types of exercise that are safe to do according to their individual conditions.

  3. Pregnant women don't take too long and don't stand too long.

  4. Pregnancy exercises and Kegel exercises can also help to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic area around the anal canal.
