Is It Dangerous to Clean Your Own Ears?
Earwax or commonly referred to as earwax, cerumen, congek, etc. is a collection of remnants of the ear skin mixed also with products produced from the glands in the ear canal. So in the ear canal there are glands, precisely located in the outer third of the ear canal. So, the dirt is produced from the outer third of the ear canal. One of the functions of earwax is to protect against bacteria or dirt that enters through the ear canal. So, the gland produces the remnants of lipids or fats that are acidic. In the anatomy of the human ear, we actually don't need to clean the ears regularly, unless the dirt looks outside, it can be cleaned. One of the body's mechanisms for cleaning earwax is by chewing, talking, and moving the jaw muscles, so that it pushes slowly out of the ear canal. Most patients who come to the ENT doctor with a swollen ear canal condition. When asked, it turns out that the cause is often picking his own ears. So, more losses are generated as a result of picking your own ears. Most patients clean their own ears not only using cotton buds, but some also use needles, safety pins, etc. This makes the ear unclean, because when it reaches the ear canal it causes the ear canal to become infected and swollen. If you want to clean your ears using a cotton bud, it is recommended to clean the outside only so that ear wax does not enter the ear canal due to the encouragement of the cotton bud itself.
There are certain conditions when earwax cannot be removed and requires the help of a doctor, for example a narrow ear canal, then in elderly people who contain a lot of keratin, the remnants of dead skin in the ear canal. Furthermore, there are several factors that cause liquid or hard earwax, namely due to the production of glands in the ear canal, the presence of remnants of dead skin, and some due to genetic factors that influence. In addition, because of race factors, for example, African-American races usually tend to be wetter. Then the Asian-African race usually tends to be tougher. But race is not the main factor. For certain people who have earwax that tends to be harder and difficult to come out on its own, it is recommended to be cleaned by an ENT doctor, and it is recommended for 3 to 6 months. If the earwax has accumulated a lot it will make it difficult to hear and can also cause ringing in the ears due to the earwax. That's information about Is It Dangerous to Clean Your Own Ears?. If hermina's friend has complaints of health problems, immediately consult a specialist at Hermina Hospital. Hermina friends can also make an appointment with a specialist using the Halo Hermina Mobile App, which can be obtained through the Play Store and the Apps Store