What is shingles?
What is herpes zoster?
The general public often calls it shingles or smallpox because it has widespread skin symptoms. Although not life-threatening, this disease requires proper medical treatment because it can cause pain that interferes with activities.
Herpes Zoster or Shingles is an acute skin infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. This virus will reactivate in people who have had chickenpox (varicella)
This disease is most often found in the elderly (> 50 years); patients with immunocompromise such as cancer, HIV / AIDS; physical and emotional stress.
Transmission of this disease through droplets (fluids) from the saliva of patients infected with chickenpox or herpes. Occurs 1-2 days before the skin rash appears.
What are the symptoms of herpes zoster?
- a rash in the form of blisters filled with fluid with a reddish base on one side of the body according to the infected nerve
- burning or stabbing pain. Usually it will appear at the beginning of symptoms without any skin lesions.
-itching and numbness in the rash area
-Can be accompanied by fever, headache, sensitivity to light and fatigue
-symptoms will subside after 14-28 days
Treatment for herpes zoster:
-antivirals such as acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir are given 72 hours after the rash appears
-pain relievers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
-corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and pain
Complications that may occur if not treated as early as possible:
Post-herpetic neuralgia is a symptom of pain in the skin where there was previously a rash. This symptom will last for months or even years
Skin infections, often occur in patients who do not pay attention to their personal hygiene
Eye infections that can reduce vision function
Herpes zoster sufferers are advised to get enough rest, eat and drink enough, use masks so as not to spread. Scabs that appear after blisters should not be scratched or peeled off to prevent skin complications.
To prevent this disease, we are required to maintain our immune system and routinely take vitamins. We can also do zoster vaccination for elderly patients who have not been affected; divided into 2 doses with a gap of 2 to 6 months.
Varicella vaccination for children and young adults who have never had chickenpox.
Herpes zoster is a painful disease and can cause serious complications if not treated properly. Recognizing early symptoms, understanding the causes and knowing how to treat it is very important to prevent the disease from getting worse.
Immediately consult Hermina Palembang Hospital if you experience symptoms of Herpes Zoster so that you get professional and appropriate treatment.