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Is difficulty sleeping a symptom of a mental disorder?

Sleep disturbances are common in this millennial era. Even though sleep disturbances seem like a common thing and are not dangerous, they need to be watched out for because they can increase the risk of other diseases such as hypertension, increased blood sugar levels, and heart disease. Sleep disturbance is also one of the symptoms associated with mental disorders.

In terms of sleep requirements, young adults typically require 7-9 hours of sleep per day.If it lasts less than 24 hours, it is referred to as insomnia.Symptoms of insomnia itself consist of difficulty entering bed, difficulty maintaining sleep, and difficulty returning to sleep after waking up. One of these symptoms can occur alone or in combination with the others. There are two types of insomnia: those that heal on their own (acute insomnia) and those that require treatment.In acute insomnia, it usually occurs in just a matter of days, and the symptoms can go away on their own; usually, this is related to physical or environmental conditions (drinking coffee, deliberately staying up late to do something, etc.). Meanwhile, chronic insomnia can occur in a matter of weeks, months, or even years and is generally related to a person's mental condition.

Difficulty sleeping is not always a symptom of a mental disorder. 

Everyone experiences "ups and downs" in their mental health. Stressful experiences, such as the loss of a loved one, can temporarily reduce psychological well-being. In general, a person is said to have a mental disorder if the symptoms encountered interfere with social functioning, work, or daily life for a certain period of time. Each disorder has its own set of symptoms, which can vary widely in severity. However, it is not uncommon to experience disturbances or changes in sleep patterns. People with symptoms of psychosis may have trouble sleeping, even sleeping longer than usual. However, that does not mean that every episode of sleeplessness is a sign of a mental disorder. Sleeplessness can also be caused by many other factors. not just because of mental health problems. Therefore, it is important not to self-diagnose with a mental disorder just because you have trouble sleeping.

Symptoms of other mental disorders that need to be recognized

Here are some other symptoms of mental disorders to watch out for: 

  • Excessive fear or anxiety. feeling scared, anxious, stressed, or panicked. 
  • The mood swings.
  • Deep sadness, an inability to express joy, indifference to circumstances, feelings of hopelessness, laughing at inappropriate times for no apparent reason, or suicidal thoughts ²Thought problems. inability to concentrate or problems with memory, thinking, or speech that are difficult to explain. changes in appetite.
  • No appetite or even eating more than usual can be a sign. ²
  • Withdraw from the environment. Sit and do nothing for long periods of time or give up activities you once enjoyed.

It's important to note that the presence of one or two of these signs doesn't mean you're mentally ill. However, this indicates that you may need further evaluation.

Be aware of the cause. There is no single cause of psychosis in a person. This condition is thought to occur due to a combination of several factors, such as :

  • Brain chemicals play an important role in mental illness.
  • Changes and imbalances in neurotransmitters, chemical messengers in the brain, are often associated with psychosis. ²
  • Environmental exposure. Children who were exposed to certain substances in the womb may have an increased risk of mental illness. For example, if the mother drinks alcohol or is exposed to harmful substances during pregnancy, ² Genetics. Many mental illnesses tend to run in families, indicating a genetic predisposition.
  • Life experience Stressful life events can contribute to the development of psychosis. For example, prolonged traumatic events can lead to conditions such as PTSD.

This is a discussion of the symptoms of psychosis, not just disturbances or changes in sleep patterns. If you experience some of the symptoms described above and they prevent you from living your daily life, you should consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Treatment for mental disorders can be a combination of psychotherapy and the use of medication as needed.



