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What are the main causes of cavities?

Cavities are a condition in which the hard tissues of the teeth are damaged due to bacteria found in the human mouth. Teeth can be slowly damaged by bacteria which are acidic substances that can damage the health of the teeth. Dental crowns can be damaged by bacteria or can also be damaged by a hard impact.
In general, the cause of cavities comes from food or drinks consumed every day. The food or drink referred to here is one that contains excess sugar. In addition, the cause of cavities is because you rarely brush your teeth and don't rinse your mouth after eating. The oral hygiene system must always be maintained, so that tooth enamel remains healthy and maintained.
Furthermore, food factors that can accelerate the occurrence of cavities, namely foods that have a sticky or mushy texture will stick to the tooth area more quickly. Usually sweet drinks such as sweet tea and drinks that contain lots of sugar. It can also be from foods such as cakes that contain lots of sugar and so on. Food or drink like that usually sticks to the teeth faster, but actually it all depends on how we clean our own teeth.
How to brush your teeth properly?
So to brush your teeth properly, brush gently and use a soft and not dense toothbrush. Because if you brush your teeth too hard, then the teeth will be eroded so that the teeth become thin. For the correct direction of brushing your teeth, namely from top to bottom with a little twist so as not to hurt the gums.
The consequences of brushing your teeth incorrectly will cause toothache and cavities, because of the mechanical movement that is carried out by yourself when brushing your teeth.

When can it be removed or repaired?
Cavities can be filled or repaired when the condition of the tooth has not reached the nerve space. But if the condition of the tooth is close to the nerve space, it will cause toothache and treatment must be carried out, it cannot be filled with just one filling. Teeth can be extracted when the condition of the teeth is no longer intact, for example the crown of the tooth has been damaged, the remaining roots of the tooth that are visible must be removed or extracted.

Then, the condition of the teeth that are piled up can also cause cavities. Because the teeth accumulate will be increasingly difficult to clean. So, to prevent it, you can trim your teeth by installing braces, for example.
To control dental health at least every 6 (six) months, so that dental health is maintained. In addition, to maintain healthy teeth, always be diligent in brushing your teeth 2 (two) times a day. Then you can also eat foods such as fruits and vegetables.
That's information about the main causes of cavities. If hermina's friend has complaints of health problems, immediately consult a specialist at Hermina Hospital. Hermina friends can also make an appointment with a specialist using the Halo Hermina Mobile App, which can be obtained through the Play Store and the Apps Store
