Overcome Hemorrhoids with PILA (Paran Injection and  Ligation for Ambeien)

Overcome Hemorrhoids with PILA (Paran Injection and  Ligation for Ambeien)

Sahabat Hermina, hemorrhoids are enlargement and shifting of the anal cushions towards the distal anus. Hemorrhoids can occur at any age, usually found at the age of 20-50 years in both men and women, but most often occur in people over 45 years of age. Ten million people in Indonesia suffer from hemorrhoids, with a prevalence of more than 4%. Men and women have the same risk. The risk of hemorrhoids increases with age.

Some of the risk factors for hemorrhoids include:

  • Low-fiber diet which results in constipation (difficult bowel movements).
  • Limited activity often sitting too long, prolonged use of the toilet, frequent straining, and obesity.
  • Women who have been pregnant and given birth also have a high risk factor for suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • Symptoms include itching, pain in the anal area, and bloody bowel movements.

In some patients, this bleeding is unknown, so it is not uncommon for patients with hemorrhoids to come with complaints of anemia. These symptoms, especially those that cause complaints during defecation, can cause a very uncomfortable condition for the patient.

Hemorrhoids can occur inside and outside. Internal hemorrhoids can be classified into 4 degrees of hemorrhoids:

  • In hemorrhoids in degree I where dripping blood comes out, pain when defecating, and can feel itching in the anus.
  • In grade 2 hemorrhoids there is a lump that comes out of the anus but can still enter spontaneously on its own.
  • In grade 3 hemorrhoids, you get a lump that comes out of the anus, but to return it to the anus you have to be pushed (for example by hand).
  • In grade 4 hemorrhoids, a lump comes out of the anus and cannot be put back in.

Currently, there are techniques for dealing with hemorrhoids without pain and without surgery. This technique is performed with a special tool that does not cause pain, does not cause bleeding, and this procedure is only performed for a short time. After the procedure, the patient is free to move without pain. The action is called PILA (Paran Injection Ligation for Hemorrhoids).

Paran Injection and Ligation for Hemorrhoids or called PILA is a therapy that combines injection of sclerotherapy agents with rubber band rigation or rubber ligation. The PILA system uses the PILA pack to treat hemorrhoids by injecting or tying the hemorrhoids without pain and without a knife.

Action Procedures with PILA

In carrying out the PILA procedure, the handling of hemorrhoids is carried out without carrying out surgery. This combination method aims to minimize pain in patients, reduce bleeding, and reduce the recurrence rate. The procedure itself is quite quick and short.

First the doctor will inject sclerotherapy fluid into the hemorrhoid lumps, then the PILA tool will absorb the hemorrhoid tissue up to the base and then bind it with a rubber ligase. Then, after the tissue is bound, the doctor will again inject sclerotherapy fluid into the hemorrhoid lumps. Hemorrhoid tissue that has been bound will shed and disappear by itself about 4 to 7 days after the procedure.

Well, a healthy lifestyle is a key step to preventing hemorrhoids. For example, eating fibrous foods, exercising regularly, drinking enough water, and avoiding excessive straining during bowel movements. Also avoid sitting for too long while working. and, for those who have already experienced hemorrhoids, there's no need to worry. Now at Hermina Jatinegara Hospital there is a technique for dealing with hemorrhoids without pain and without surgery. Stay healthy.

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