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Watch out! Danger of Injury During Exercise

Sahabat Hermina, exercise is very important for health and fitness. However, if you are not focused or are not careful in doing it, injury can occur.

According to Medline Plus, there are several other factors that put you at risk of injury during sports, namely:

  • Do not do warm up before exercise and cooling afterwards.
  • Do not give rest breaks in one exercise session.
  • Not using the right equipment.
  • Forcing exercise when you're not fit.

Types of Injuries During Exercise

To avoid various types of sports injuries, it's important to prepare yourself and warm up properly and sufficiently before exercising. You should also maintain concentration so that unwanted things don't happen. Get to know the most common injuries so you know further help to deal with them.

  • Shoulder Injury

Your shoulders have four large muscles that are responsible for supporting and maintaining the shoulder joints. Therefore, the shoulder is a part that is prone to injury when you do sports such as swimming, push up, badminton, or baseball.

  • Elbow Injury

For those of you who often exercise like badminton, tennis, golf, loves, or lift the load, be careful not to injure your elbow, which you often rely on. Elbow injuries occur due to inflammation of the muscles and tendons that carry out repetitive and weight-bearing movements. You will also feel pain when moving and lifting your arm or hand. To reduce pain, compress the elbow and the affected part with ice.

  • Dry Bone Injury

This injury is characterized by pain along the calf and upper shin. Shin inhury or shin splints occurs due to inflammation of the muscles and can happen to anyone. Most shin injuries occur when you run or jump.

  • Low back pain

Low back pain or lower back injuries are experienced by many of you who lift weights, bicycle, or play golf, tennis, and baseball.

  • Muscle cramp

Muscle cramp can occur in any part of the body. When a cramp strikes, your muscles contract suddenly. As a result, you will feel pain and the part of the body that was attacked by cramps will be difficult to move for a few seconds or minutes. Muscle cramps can be life threatening if they occur swimming because you risk drowning. When cramps occur, try to stay calm and don't panic.

  • Knee Injury

Knee injury often occurs in athletes running, football, basketball, volleyball, and athletic sports that rely a lot on the knees. Usually knee injuries are characterized by pain in the shell which is sometimes accompanied by a sound like tearing, cracking or breaking.

  • Ankle Injury

The ankle is often injured because this is where three bones meet. Usually when running or walking on an uneven surface, the ankle is more prone to sprains. If you sprain your ankle, rest your foot first and don't walk or stand. You can compress it with ice to reduce swelling and reduce pain. In order to recover faster from this type of injury during this sport, in a lying position raise your ankles so that they are higher than your heart.

  • Brain Concussion

Concussion injuries are common in football, wrestling, hockey, boxing, skiing, and rhythmic gymnastics. Concussion is head injury occurs due to a sudden impact that causes loss of consciousness and balance. There are also athletes who only feel nauseous, dizzy, have difficulty concentrating, to amnesia. Prevention is that athletes wear head protection to reduce the risk of being hit by a collision.

Tips for Preventing Injuries When Exercising

To avoid sports injuries, you can do a number of things, such as:

  • Exercise with the right technique so that there is no excessive burden on the body tissues involved during exercise.
  • Use proper and complete sports equipment or equipment to protect yourself from injury. For example wearing a helmet while cycling.
  • Warm up before exercising. Light exercise for 3–10 minutes before exercising can make the muscles more flexible and more elastic against the pressure that gets from doing strenuous activities.
  • Stop exercising if pain occurs, to prevent the injury from getting worse.
  • Cool down before ending the exercise. Cooling keeps blood flowing so you don't feel groggy after a workout.

So, there are several types of sports injuries as well as some tips that you need to know to prevent injuries during sports. So, there is no reason to be lazy to exercise, yes, because injuries can be avoided! Salam sehat.
