Beware of the impact if you let earwax dry and build up

Beware of the impact if you let earwax dry and build up

Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear to protect and lubricate the ear canal. Earwax has an important function in keeping the ears clean and healthy by trapping dust, dirt, and other foreign particles so that they do not enter deeper into the ear. However, if too much earwax accumulates, it can cause various serious health problems.

Earwax buildup can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Use of Cotton Buds or Sharp Objects: Many people use cotton buds or other sharp objects to clean their ears. Ironically, this action often pushes earwax deeper into the ear canal, causing a buildup.
  • Use of Hearing Aids: Users of hearing aids or earplugs are more susceptible to earwax buildup because these devices can inhibit the natural discharge of earwax.
  • Excessive Earwax Production: Some people naturally produce larger amounts of earwax, which can cause buildup if not cleaned regularly and properly.
  • Narrow or Abnormally Shaped Ear Canals: People with narrow or abnormally shaped ear canals are more susceptible to earwax buildup.

A buildup of earwax can cause various disturbing symptoms, including:

  1. Hearing Loss: Earwax buildup can cause temporary hearing loss. This happens because accumulated dirt can block the ear canal and prevent sound from entering the eardrum.
  2. Pain or Discomfort in the Ear: Accumulated earwax can cause pain, itching, or discomfort inside the ear.
  3. Tinnitus: A buildup of earwax can cause tinnitus, which is a condition where a person hears a buzzing or ringing sound in the ear.
  4. Dizziness or Vertigo: Earwax buildup can also affect balance and cause dizziness or vertigo.
  5. Ear Infections: If earwax buildup is not cleaned immediately, it can cause more serious ear infections. This infection can cause symptoms such as fever, severe pain, and discharge from the ear.

Accumulation of earwax that is not treated immediately can cause long-term dangers, including:

  1. Permanent Damage to the Ear: Infections caused by earwax buildup can cause permanent damage to the structures of the ear, including the eardrum and auditory ossicles.
  2. Permanent Hearing Loss: If earwax buildup causes damage to the eardrum or auditory ossicles, it can cause permanent hearing loss.
  3. Long-Term Balance Problems: Disorders of the inner ear balance system can cause long-term balance problems, which can affect a person's ability to carry out daily activities.

To prevent and treat earwax buildup, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Avoid Using Cotton Buds: Do not use cotton buds or other sharp objects to clean your ears. Instead, let earwax drain naturally or use a safe ear cleaning product.
  2. Use Ear Drops: Over-the-counter ear drops can help soften earwax so it is easier to remove.
  3. Consult an ENT Doctor: If you experience symptoms of severe earwax buildup, you should consult an ENT specialist to get the right treatment.
  4. Clean Your Ears Regularly: Clean your ears correctly and safely to prevent wax buildup.
  5. Maintain Ear Health: Avoid exposure to loud noises and keep your ears clean to prevent other health problems.

Earwax buildup is a common but often overlooked health problem. Although earwax is important in protecting the ears, excessive buildup can cause various serious health problems. It is important to avoid using cotton buds and other sharp objects, and regularly correctly clean your ears. If you experience symptoms of severe earwax buildup, immediately consult an ENT specialist to get the right treatment. At Hermina Purwokerto Hospital there is an ENT specialist doctor that Hermina Friends can consult.

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Reference :

  1. Mayo Clinic - "Earwax blockage":
  2. American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) - "Earwax (Cerumen)":
  3. National Health Service (NHS) - "Earwax build-up":
  4. Harvard Health Publishing - "Cerumen (Ear Wax) Impaction":
  5. WebMD - "Earwax Buildup":
  6. Cleveland Clinic - "Earwax Blockage and Removal":
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