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Watch out!! Get to know Polio

Polio is a very dangerous disease because it can cause paralysis and disability for life. The cause of this disease is due to a viral infection that attacks the nervous system.


The symptoms experienced are paralysis.

What is paralysis? Withdrawal paralysis is all paralysis that occurs suddenly and is sudden weakness and weakness in the whole body in children under the age of 15 years.


The mode of transmission of polio is through water or food contaminated with feces containing the polio virus.  This virus can be transmitted from person to person through the Fecal-Oral. It enters through the oral or nasal cavities, then spreads in the body through the bloodstream.

Apart from not getting the polio vaccine, several of these conditions also increase the risk of contracting polio

- living in poor sanitation areas

- limited access to clean water

- working as a health worker treating polio patients

- traveling to areas that have experienced polio outbreaks


This virus usually attacks children under the age of 5 and has not received polio immunization. Another symptom that can be found is interference with the respiratory nerves causing difficulty breathing.


Symptoms of polio can be divided into two types

: 1. Paralytic

polio This type of polio does not cause paralysis. Appears 6-20 days after being exposed to the virus and is mild

. The symptoms experienced include

- fever

- headache

- weakness

- sore throat

- weak muscles

- vomiting

2. Paralytic

polio This type of polio causes permanent spinal cord and brain paralysis. This condition is the most dangerous type of polio.

Within 1 week, symptoms that can appear include loss of body reflexes, painful muscle tension, and weak legs and arms.


Immunization is an effective prevention of polio. Prevention of transmission to others through direct contact (droplets) by using masks for those who are sick and healthy. In addition to preventing environmental pollution (fecal-oral) and controlling infection by applying defecation in the toilet and draining it into a septic tank.


Immediately check with your doctor if your liver experiences similar symptoms. Because polio can cause paralysis even some time after infection
