Watch out Meningitis (Brain Lining Disease) can be Contagious

Watch out Meningitis (Brain Lining Disease) can be Contagious

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, commonly known as the meninges. This inflammation can occur due to viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, as well as autoimmune processes, cancer, and drug reactions. In addition, people who have poor immunity, are old, and have never been vaccinated have a higher risk of developing this disease.

Here are some causes of meningitis to watch out for:

  1. Virus meningitis, the most common type of meningitis, belongs to the enterovirus group, which is more common during the summer and autumn.
  2. Bacterial meningitis can be transmitted to other people. This disease has a large enough potential to threaten the patient's life because if it is not treated immediately, it will cause serious complications that can be fatal. Bacteria will easily spread through the bloodstream and move to the spinal cord and even the brain. The most common type of bacteria that causes bacterial meningitis is Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is usually found in the respiratory tract, sinuses, and nasal cavities.
  3. Parasitic meningitis is less common and is caused by parasites that can be found in soil, feces, and on some animals and food.
  4. Fungal meningitis is quite rare and develops when a fungus enters the bloodstream. This disease can arise due to the presence of fungal spores from the soil and bird droppings that are inhaled by the body and can attack anyone, especially those with low immunity.
  5. Non-infectious meningitis is a non-communicable disease that can arise due to other medical conditions such as head injuries, cancer, lupus, or the side effects of certain drugs.

The most common symptoms are fever, neck pain or stiffness, and being unable to stand looking at light. Some other symptoms that can also occur are headaches, dizziness, impaired consciousness, easy confusion, and vomiting. Meningitis can also occur in children with slightly different symptoms, namely a fever or cold body temperature, decreased appetite, decreased consciousness, constant fussing, and a tense head.

If the above symptoms appear, it is better for the patient to immediately see a doctor nearby. Next, the doctor will carry out a thorough examination, including laboratory tests, head CT scans, and examinations of the cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord. This examination will help the doctor diagnose, find out the cause, find out the right treatment, and look for the presence or absence of complications such as increased pressure in the cavity of the cerebrospinal fluid (hydrocephalus), which is dangerous.

Meningitis is a serious illness that can lead to death. The best way to prevent this disease from becoming fatal is to:

  1. One form of prevention against meningitis is complete immunization, including against Haemophilus influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Varicella, and Mumps, Measles, and Rubella. Some of these vaccinations are included in the Indonesian government's mandatory program, so they can be obtained free of charge through the Posyandu immunization service.
  2. Do not share personal or borrowed items such as glasses, water bottles, straws, toothbrushes, lipstick, or lip gloss.
  3. Keep your distance from infected people.
  4. Don't be lazy and wash your hands. Wash your hands with soap and running water according to the correct steps.
  5. Apply the correct cough etiquette.
  6. Make sure to eat nutritious food. Foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals in sufficient portions.
  7. Make sure the body is well hydrated. Drink 2 liters of water per day.
  8. Overcome the infection thoroughly.

If you experience symptoms or problems as described above, immediately consult dr. Handi Nugraha, Sp.S. He is a neurologist at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital. 

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