The Indonesian Ministry of Health has highlighted HIV cases being dominated by young people. According to the latest data, around 51 percent of newly diagnosed HIV cases are in young people, and based on AEM model data, it is estimated that by 2021 there will be around 526,841 people infected with HIV and around 27,000 new cases. Ministry of Health data also shows that around 12,533 HIV cases occurred in children under 12 years of age.

Not only men, but women are also susceptible to similar diseases. HIV disease, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a disease caused by a virus that can damage a person's immune system.
The virus that causes HIV actually works by infecting and destroying CD4 cells. As more CD4 cells are destroyed in the body, the immune system becomes weaker, making the body more susceptible to various health problems. HIV is a disease that is easily transmitted. There's nothing wrong with knowing some of the ways HIV is transmitted so you can take precautions.

Know how HIV is transmitted
HIV disease is a disease caused by exposure to a virus in the body. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is one of the causes of someone experiencing HIV. The HI virus that enters the body can actually cause damage to CD4 cells. CD4 cells themselves are part of the white blood cells that help the body fight infections. The more CD4 cells that are destroyed, this condition reduces the number of CD4 cells. This condition causes the body to be unable to fight infections or other harmful substances that can cause health problems in the body. In this way, patients with HIV are highly susceptible to disease.

Share needles with people living with HIV.
use of personal equipment that has not been sterilized and is used by people infected with HIV, such as B. tattoo tools, piercing tools, or razors.
having sex with an HIV-infected person. In general, vaginal or anal intercourse is the greatest risk factor for HIV infection. In fact, oral sex very rarely causes HIV infection unless there are open sores in the mouth, such as canker sores.
Receiving blood transfusions from HIV patients also leads to HIV infection.
The HIV virus can also be transmitted from pregnant women to the fetus in the womb.
The HIV virus can also be transmitted through childbirth or breastfeeding.
These are some of the HIV infections to watch out for. There's nothing wrong with not using needles as well as prevention, having healthy sex without changing partners, and always using a condom.

These are some of the HIV infections to watch out for. There's nothing wrong with not using needles as well as prevention, having healthy sex without changing partners, and always using a condom.
Recognize the symptoms of HIV.
Symptoms appear gradually in people with HIV. In the first phase, people with HIV are usually not aware of the state of viral infection they are experiencing. The symptoms of the first stage may come and go on their own. However, the amount of virus in the body at this stage is very high, so the risk of infection is greater at this stage.

HIV patients have several initial symptoms, such as fever, skin rash, joint and muscle pain, headache, stomach ache, and sore throat. Symptoms get worse if this condition is not treated properly. More severe symptoms include unexplained weight loss, diarrhea, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, and feeling very weak.
If this condition is not treated immediately, the HIV virus can develop into AIDS. At this stage, the immune system of HIV patients is severely compromised, making them more susceptible to other diseases. AIDS sufferers have several diseases, such as tuberculosis, fungal infections, meningitis, wasting syndrome, and neurological diseases.
If you have health problems related to HIV disease, don't hesitate to immediately go to the nearest hospital. Don't hesitate to tell your partner about your health if you have HIV so that the virus doesn't spread and its spread can be stopped.

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