Let's Recognize and Manage Stress Early on

Let's Recognize and Manage Stress Early on

Stress is a person's reaction both physically and emotionally (mental/psychic) when there is a change in the environment that requires a person to adapt. In general, stress is triggered by human experiences from their immediate environment such as the workplace, family, or social media.

Stress triggers sometimes seem trivial but can produce excessive negative effects on the body. Especially if the stress you feel has accumulated for so long to become chronic.


Causes of Stress

  1. There is a change from habits
  2. Pressure and job demands
  3. Negative influence of others
  4. Expectations that do not match reality and many other reasons.


Stress can reduce immunity and exacerbate the following disease conditions:

  1. Headache
  2. Diabetes
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Sleep disorders
  5. Strokes
  6. Obesity
  7. Asthma
  8. Depression
  9. Premature aging
  10. Easily infected
  11. Sexual dysfunction
  12. Heart disease
  13. Stomach acid
  14. Alzheimer's disease


Why can stress cause disease?

Stress is not just a feeling. Stressful conditions will trigger several reactions, such as increased blood pressure, narrowed blood vessels and faster breathing.

At times of stress, the body releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline which make the heart work faster. These hormones are also able to make excessive energy expenditure so that you feel tired easily.


If stress is left unchecked it can cause stress symptoms such as the following:

  1. Anxiety, pale face, palpitations
  2. Difficulty sleeping or not sleeping well
  3. Decreased appetite or overeating
  4. Easily offended
  5. Hard to concentrate
  6. There are complaints such as headaches, stomachaches, heartburn, excessive sweating


Manage and avoid stress by doing:

  1. Regular exercise or physical activity
  2. Get enough sleep, eat balanced nutrition, apply clean and healthy living habits
  3. Carry out activities according to interests and abilities
  4. Think positive
  5. Calm your mind and develop a hobby
  6. Talk about complaints with someone you can trust
  7. Increasing worship according to their respective religions
  8. Carry out activities according to interests and abilities
  9. Develop a rewarding hobby
  10. Increase worship and draw closer to God
  11. Calm your mind with relaxation


If Hermina's friends experience similar symptoms or experience continuous stress and interfere with your health, immediately consult a Psychiatrist at Hermina Podomoro Hospital.

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