How to heal after a heart attack?

How to heal after a heart attack?

Anyone can have a heart attack. Not only old people can have heart attacks, but young people now can have heart attacks. Heart attack is one type of disease that can endanger our lives. Heart attack is also known as acute coronary syndrome. Acute coronary syndrome is a blockage in the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart.

Several factors cause blockages in the blood vessels, namely: someone who has diabetes, hypertension, obesity (obesity), and blood disorders.


Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase

The process of heart healing or known as cardiac rehabilitation has several phases, which are as follows:

1.Phase I (Inpatient Phase)

This phase is carried out while the patient is still being treated in the hospital. The goal of this phase is to protect the patient from the effects of the disease. To assist the rehabilitation process in phase I, patients can perform or learn to sit up, get out of bed, walk and so on.

2.Phase II (Intervention phase)

Phase II or called the outpatient phase is the service provided to patients after the patient has received treatment at the hospital. The cardiac rehabilitation program is as follows:

a) Medical examination

Medical examination aims to determine the right rehabilitation according to the patient's condition. The physical examination of the patient includes examination of blood pressure, laboratory and body mass index of the patient.

b. Sports

Exercise can help the healing process of heart disease. Exercise can be done 3-5 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes. The recommended types of exercise are cycling and walking.

c. Nutrition

Consuming nutritious food is very important for the body. Consultation with a nutritionist is one of the efforts that can be made in determining a nutritious diet.

d. Changing healthy lifestyles

Provide education to patients about healthy lifestyles such as quitting smoking, avoiding junk food/fast food, exercising regularly and taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

e. Emotional support

Emotional support from family and loved ones can help the healing process because patients with heart disease usually experience excessive anxiety.

3. Phase III (Maintenance phase)

The goal of phase III treatment is to maintain the patient's healthy living habits.

Benefits of Cardiac Rehab
Another name for the healing process after a heart attack is cardiac rehabilitation. The benefits of cardiac rehabilitation are as follows:
1. Can relieve the symptoms of heart disease
2. Prevent complications that occur due to heart disease
3. Speed ​​up the healing process of a heart attack
4. Patients are more obedient to taking medication
5. Healthy lifestyle such as not smoking, consuming foods that can be healthy for the heart, and doing lots of physical activity

Maintaining the health of our heart is important, so don't forget to carry out routine checks and controls at the Heart Polyclinic at RSU Hermina Pandanaran!

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