How Do We Monitor the Growth and Development of the Little One?

How Do We Monitor the Growth and Development of the Little One?

Friends of Hermina, the older a child gets, the more development and growth will certainly increase from all aspects. Monitoring growth and development in the first 1000 days of life is very important, given the rapid growth and development at this age. Growth is an increase in physical size. Development is the increasing ability of body structures and functions to become more complex. How do we monitor the growth and development of children?

The very rapid development of the brain at the age of under 2 years is called the critical period of development. There are several things that affect the growth and development of children, such as parenting factors, the environment around the child, nutrition and nutrition provided, educational games and shows, and recreation to get to know the wider world. There are 3 words in monitoring the growth and development of children, namely Sharpening, Fostering, and Asih.

Sharpening is the forerunner of the learning process, education and training which is given as early and as appropriate as possible. Especially in the first 4-5 years (golden year) so that ethics, good personality, intelligence, independence, skills and good productivity will be realized.


Parenting concerns the child's nutritional intake while in the womb and afterward, the need for a place to live, proper and safe clothing, early health care in the form of immunization, as well as early intervention for symptoms of disease.

Compassion is the importance of creating a sense of security (emotional security) with physical and psychological contact as early as possible with the mother. The child's need for affection, attention and appreciation, new experiences, praise, responsibility for independence is very important to give.

Usually, the growth and development of a child occurs most rapidly at the age of 0-3 years. Monitor the child's growth and development because good growth and development will certainly affect the child's life in the future. Some things that can be done to monitor the growth and development of children, namely:

Pay attention to the baby's height and weight

The first factor is the baby's height and weight, aka the physical development of the Little One. When a child turns 1 year old, the height that shows the ideal figure is around 60 to 70 centimeters. While the ideal body weight ranges from 10 to 11 kilograms.


Calculate the Circumference of the Baby's Head

At the age of 1 year, a child's head circumference measures between 43 and 46 centimeters. While at the age of 2 years, the size of his head is 44 to 47 centimeters. Ideally, the child's head circumference increases by 2 centimeters each year. If the sizes are different, you really don't need to worry. However, if the interval is far enough, the mother can take the child to the hospital to check their health condition.

Pay Attention to Child Development

Apart from the physical appearance of the child, mothers also need to pay attention to the development of the child's growth. If a child experiences obstacles in their growth and development, these conditions can be detected more quickly.

There are 4 parameters in monitoring the development of children and toddlers, namely:

·Personal social is the ability to be independent, socialization and interaction with the environment

· Fine motor movement is the ability to observe

· Language is an independent ability to respond to sound, follow orders and hold objects

· Gross motor development and subsequent recognition and gestures

So, Friends of Hermina Balikpapan, let's continue to monitor the growth and development of the first 1000 Days of your little one so that his growth is optimal and your little one grows into a healthy, strong and smart child. Greetings healthy.


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