Happy to Have Special Children

Happy to Have Special Children

Having children with special needs is not easy for any parent. Parental attention is very important for their growth and development. So parents need to learn to understand and accompany them, so that they are always confident in carrying out their daily activities.


Children with special needs are children who experience limitations or extraordinary, whether physical, mental-intellectual, social or emotional, which significantly influence the process of their growth or development compared to other children of the same age.


Children who are included in the special needs category are extraordinary children (children with disabilities and/or children with extraordinary abilities), children who have never been to school, children who do not attend school regularly, children who drop out, sick children, children of young workers, orphans and street children. Special needs may be caused by congenital abnormalities or acquired later due to economic problems, social emotional conditions, political conditions, and disasters.


Important Things in Accompanying Children with Special Needs:

  1. Always provide motivation: the task of parents and companions is to always motivate and help children with special needs achieve their potential.
  2. Entering the right school: parents must actively support and participate in entering children with special needs into schools, of course in schools that are in accordance with the curriculum for children with special needs or homeschooling.
  3. Providing life skills: If children with special needs get the right learning in improving life skills according to their interests and potential, then the child will be able to live more independently.
  4. Joining a community or association: The existence of a community or association of children with special needs will have a positive impact on them to socialize, play, and share with each other.


The Role of Parents in Educating Children with Special Needs

  1. Parents Must Be More Open-Minded
  2. Conduct Early Supervision
  3. Provide Motivation, Attention and Guidance
  4. Adapt to Children
  5. Increase Emotional Closeness with Children
  6. Teach Children to Explore Their Skills
  7. Instill Independence from an Early Age
  8. Cooperate with Schools
  9. Make Habits Regarding Sanctions and Punishments
  10. Learn Children's Habits and Needs


Parents are the Best Therapists for Children with Special Needs. The role of parents is important in the progress of children with special needs, therapists only help, guide, and direct what should be done, therefore parents are asked to play an active role in educating children with special needs.


For Hermina Friends who want further consultation, you can come directly to the Psychologist at Hermina Hospital Samarinda.

Reviewed by : Mustika Rizki Imanita., M.Psi, Psikolog


"Exploring the Interests and Talents of Children with Special Needs", https://www.kompasiana.com/hasnaharahap8333/60712d70d541df2ffc2c2da3/menggali-minat-dan-bakat-anak-berkebutuhan-khususCreator: Hasna Harahap.

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