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The danger of "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" in office workers

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a work-related disease that is common in office workers, especially in the hands, due to the intensity of the constant use of computers. Carpal tunnel syndrome, often abbreviated as CTS, is a nerve pressure on the carpal cavity in the wrist. The continuous repetitive movement of the office worker, will cause the oxygen supply to the muscles to decrease so that the metabolic process is inhibited.

Signs and Symptoms of a person having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, namely

1. Pain and sensation of thickness or numbness in the median nerve area. This pain is like numbness, and tenderness. Symptoms can vary and localize to the wrist or the entire arm and spread to the lower arm or shoulder.

2. Frequently perform repetitive movements and movements that suppress the nerve cavity.

3. Hand-washing movements to alleviate symptoms.


Examination for someone with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, there are five :

1. Tinnel Test

This Tinnel Test supports the diagnosis when the pain grows in the region of the distribution of the nerve medianus if performed percussion on the carpal tunnel with the position of the hand slightly dorsoflexion

2.Phallen Test

Phallen test that a person is asked to do the hand flexion maximally, when within 1 minute the underlying symptoms of the Carpal tunnel Syndrome such as numbness, thighs or hand weakened then the possibility of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

3. EMG Examination ( Electromuography/ electromyogram / elektromiography)

EMG is a test to check the condition of the muscles and nerve cells that control it. EMG can help detect any disturbance in the nerves, muscles or problems with signals sent to the nerve.
4. USG Examination

The ultrasound looks at the condition of the tissues and bones around the wrist so the doctor can find out if there is any nerve tension.

5. MRI Examination

A medical examination procedure that looks at the condition of the soft tissue on the wrist.

The management of therapy for patients with “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” is

1.Conservative, such as management of splinter therapy, drug-drug management

2.Injection, like injecting steroid drugs into the CTS area

3.Operation, like loosening the cause area of suppression. This surgery can be performed by a neurosurgeon at Hermina Samarinda Hospital. The surgery was performed with small incisions, patients in consciousness and local exhaustion, and a satisfaction rate based on a University of Louisiana study of about 89%.

For friends of Hermina who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you can consult with a neurosurgeon at Hermina Samarinda Hospital.


Created by: Dr. Mustaqim. A. R, Sp.BS, M.Kes, Klin

Reference : 

Diah Purwaningsari (2023). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Indriani (2017). Gambaran Faktor Kejadian Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pada Pekerja Wanita

University Of Lousiana (2021). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

