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Danger of Extreme Hot Weather for skin health

Danger of Extreme Hot Weather for skin health


Sunlight or ultraviolet (UV) is a natural ingredient that can provide sufficient intake of vitamin D in the body. The benefits do not only help the process of bone formation in children.

In adults, exposure to UV light is also effective in helping to protect bones from staying healthy and strong as they get older. Another benefit, namely maintaining bone density to prevent osteoporosis.

Although beneficial, exposure to extreme UV rays directly on the skin can trigger health problems. For example, the appearance of signs of premature aging, increased risk of skin cancer, and melasma. So, still limited sun exposure to our skin and body

The Danger of Sunlight for the Skin

Excessive UV exposure can damage the collagen and elastin fibers (dermis layer) in the skin. The impact can be:

  • Premature aging

Premature aging is the most common impact when the skin is exposed to UV rays for too long. Long-term sun exposure can cause wrinkles, sagging skin, and enlarged pores.

  • Skin cancer risk

Another long-term effect is increasing the risk of skin cancer. Excessive exposure to UV rays can potentially cause genetic material in skin cells. As a result, the cell growth becomes uncontrollable and causes cancer to form.

  • Burnt skin

Another hazard, namely skin burns. This condition is known as sunburn. The color of the skin in this problem will appear reddish, even brownish. Not only that, the skin feels sore when touched. This has the potential to trigger an inflammatory reaction which is also a risk of cancer and premature aging.

  • Melasma

Melasma is formed due to pigmentation disorders due to long-term UV exposure. The disorder is characterized by the appearance of brown or gray patches on the surface of the skin. This problem may improve over time.

  • Solar elastosis

Solar elastosis or actinic elastosis is a risk that occurs due to rupture of the skin's connective tissue (collagen and elastin fibers). The tissue is located in the dermis (middle layer of skin). Its function is to support the strength and flexibility of the skin.

A common sign of solar elastosis is skin thickening. In addition, the skin becomes loose, deep wrinkles and vertical folds. This condition is an accumulation of long-term and excessive UV exposure.


  • Actinic keratosis

Actinic keratosis or solar keratosis are precancerous growths that have the potential to develop into cancer. This disorder needs proper monitoring and treatment.

The patches that appear on the skin also vary, from tiny dots to an inch or more in size. The color will also be different, ranging from light to dark. The texture is hard like skin and feels itchy.

  • The skin turns black

This discoloration occurs due to increased production of melanin to protect the skin from damage. As a result, skin exposed to sunlight becomes darker.


How to Protect Skin from Sun Exposure


  1. Wear sunscreen
  2. Wear closed clothes
  3. Using a moisturizer
  4. Using special glasses
  5. Wide-brimmed hat
  6. Minimize outdoor activities


If you have special complaints that occur due to the effects of extreme weather, immediately check and consult your health at Hermina Medan General Hospital.
