Know More about Typhoid Fever

Know More about Typhoid Fever

Hello Hermina's, do you know what Typhoid Fever is? Typhoid fever is a disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi, this germ can be found in contaminated food and drinks. These germs can be transmitted to other people through the feces or urine of people who have been infected with Salmonella typhi bacteria.

The incubation period for typhoid fever is between 10-14 days. This bacterial infection can spread throughout the body and affect many organs. With prompt and proper treatment, serious complications that can be fatal can be avoided.

Typhoid fever is very common in developing countries. These germs can attack all ages. This disease can be prevented by avoiding the risk factors. Discuss with your doctor for more information.

Symptoms of typhoid fever that appear when the body is infected with Salmonella typhi bacteria are:

  • Fever that increases every day until it reaches 39-40C
  • Headache
  • Weak and tired
  • Digestive disorders, such as diarrhea and
  • stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite nausea and vomiting
  • When should I see a doctor?

Immediately see a doctor if you experience the above symptoms

How is typhoid fever diagnosed?

Through history taking or asking for symptoms that are felt and doing a physical examination.
Blood tests or tissue cultures, the doctor will check blood tests such as the Widal or tubex test.
How to treat typhoid?

Adequate rest and proper medication can cure and prevent complications. This treatment can be done at home or in the hospital, depending on the severity of the disease.

What can be done to prevent typhoid fever?

The best way to prevent typhoid fever is to maintain hygiene and improve sanitation. In addition, vaccinating, maintaining hand hygiene, avoiding raw eating and choosing hygienically processed foods also prevent contracting typhoid fever.

If you experience symptoms like the ones above, don't panic. You can consult and entrust internal medicine specialists at Hermina Metland Hospital, Cibitung. 

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