The danger of cardiac arrest causing Chinese badminton players to die, get to know the first treatment

The danger of cardiac arrest causing Chinese badminton players to die, get to know the first treatment

Baru-baru ini dunia bulu tangkis dihebohkan dengan kabar meninggalnya salah satu atletnya. Dikutip dari artikel yang dimuat CNBC Indonesia, PBSI (Persatuan Bulu Tangkis Seluruh Indonesia) mengumumkan penyebab meninggalnya atlet Bulu Tangkis China, Zhang Zhije, yang berusia 17 tahun saat bertanding melawan atlet Jepang, Kazuma Kawamo pada babak penyisihan BNI Badminton Asia Junior Championships 2024 yang digelar pada 30 Juni 2024 di GOR Amongrogo, Yogyakarta lalu. PBSI menyatakan Zhang Zhije meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung. 

Broto Happy, PBSI spokesperson, revealed that the conclusion of the examination and treatment of the victim from the two hospitals showed the same results, namely that the victim experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Zhang Zhije's absence of a pulse was discovered when he arrived at the first hospital, where he was treated for 3 hours before being taken to the second hospital and declared dead at 23.20 WIB, quoted by Reuters.

Cases of sudden cardiac arrest are not uncommon in people who are exercising. Very crucial first aid that can be done to save the victim is by providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 

When you see someone lying down and unconscious, immediately seek help and then check whether he is breathing or not, whether the pulse in the neck is still palpable or not. If there is no breathing and no pulse in the neck, immediately start first aid, namely cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR assistance must be carried out as soon as possible until the patient regains consciousness or medical help arrives. 

Quoted from several sources, the crucial time to help a cardiac arrest victim is as soon as possible or in less than 2 minutes CPR must be carried out. If CPR is more than 3 minutes late it will cause a lack of blood flow to the brain which can result in brain injury. Severe or even permanent brain damage can occur if CPR is carried out 9 minutes late. Sudden cardiac arrest patients' chances of survival will be smaller if CPR is carried out
just done it in over 10 minutes. Therefore, the sooner help is provided, the better the hope for survivors. 

Since COVID-19 until now it has been agreed that providing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation outside the hospital is only giving chest compressions without breathing assistance (mouth to mouth). Chest compressions are carried out by pressing on the victim's chest wall by placing both hands between the two nipples, with the fingers of one hand on top and locking the fingers of the hand underneath. Compression is done quickly and the pressure applied must be strong and deep. The compression speed is around 100-120x/minute and the depth is 5-6 cm. This assistance can be stopped if the victim regains consciousness or expert (medical) help arrives.




Bobrow, B.J & Pancyk, M., 2018. Time to compress the time to first compression. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7 (9).


Borke J., 2021.  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Medscape.

Available at : . Updated Aug 19, 2021. Accessed 4 July 2024.


CNBC Indonesia, 2024. Terungkap! ini penyebab kematian zhang zhi jie saat tanding di ri. CNBC Indonesia.

Tersedia di:  .

Diperbarui 2 Juli 2024. Diakses 4 Juli 2024.


Reuters, 2024. Pemain Tiongkok Zhang meninggal karena serangan jantung, kata asosiasi Indonesia. Reuters.

Tersedia di:  .

Diperbarui 2 Juli 2024. Diakses 4 Juli 2024.





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