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Dangers of Online Gambling for Mental Health

Playing online gambling frequently has many negative impacts, both physical, psychological and social.

From a psychological perspective, people who are addicted to online gambling can experience several things such as stress, depression, helplessness, feelings of hopelessness and can even harm themselves and others.

Therefore, it is very important to know the negative impact of online gambling addiction on a person's mental health. Among others :

  1. Loss of interest in doing other activities

Someone who is addicted to online gambling will become less interested in doing other activities. Of course, this can get to the point where you stop or don't think about other hobbies anymore because you are addicted to online gambling. Not a few people will even experience hallucinations of seeing themselves gambling in their sleep and find themselves thinking about their next game when they wake up.

  1. Tenuous Relationship with the Surrounding Environment

People who are addicted to online gambling can make gamblers lose interest in maintaining personal relationships with the people around them. Gamblers will usually be busy with gambling alone and can even isolate themselves from other people. This creates strained relationships and feelings of separation from others. In addition, this can cause feelings of shame and guilt for gamblers because they may borrow money from other people and cannot pay it back. Gamblers will usually continue to stay away from their environment because they lose connections with other people. They will also continue to look for loans so they can continue gambling.

  1. Gambling Disorder

Addiction to online gambling is also called gambling in order, this is because when someone is addicted to gambling even though it means sacrificing themselves. Even worse, if it continues, it will harm many people. This can make someone desperate to do anything to be able to gamble and get big profits in the shortest time. Some things that can be done are selling items at home, stealing, and even committing other crimes.

  1. Excessive Anxiety

When gamblers have debt, they will not be able to control themselves from gambling. As a result, they will experience excessive anxiety disorders due to thinking about many things, from debt to how to win in every game.


  1. Depression

Someone who is addicted to online gambling will spend a lot of money so they will be ambitious to keep winning. If you lose, what happens is depression because you don't have the money to continue playing. After losing a lot of money or even going into debt, the person can experience dangerous and severe emotional and physical disorders.


So, those are some of the dangerous impacts of online gambling on a person's mental health, Hermina's friend. The principle is to avoid gambling in any form as much as possible because once you are addicted it will be difficult to get rid of. Gambling will not be able to make someone rich quickly, instead it will make the gambler's life miserable.



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