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Dangers of Internet Addiction, and Know the Symptoms, How to Overcome It

In today's era, internet interaction is needed in communication, activities such as work, entertainment, shopping, doing business and so on. Where many of us cannot escape the grip of a smart phone, with this one sophisticated device we can communicate in real time, use the application widely to entertainment. It is undeniable that information technology, especially the internet, can now change the way people socialize, shop, work, find work and so on.

With the internet, it makes teenagers addicted especially to teenagers because of more curiosity, the types of internet addiction that can be experienced if not controlled, such as; cyberporn, cybersex, gambling, online shop, online games, and so on.

Internet addiction is defined as behavior and impulse control problems, less interested in other activities, because they feel that the virtual world on computer screens and smart phones is more interested than other outside activities.

Internet addiction also affects brain performance, indicating that there are differences in brain function between individuals who experience internet addiction and those who do not. Individuals who experience internet addiction show that they process information much slower, have difficulty controlling themselves and have a tendency to have a depressive personality. The cause of internet addiction is using the virtual world to connect with other people. The causes of people who are addicted to the internet cause someone to become depressed, the internet allows individuals to escape from reality, receive entertainment or pleasure from the internet. This will cause individuals to be compelled to use the internet more often as an outlet and will become addicted.

Symptoms of Internal Addiction et

The following are other symptoms if there is an addiction to the internet, namely:

A person becomes irritable, tense or depressed when the internet is off, so that they often comment, lie, achievement may decline, socially shut down and fatigue.

As for physically, someone can experience back pain, insomnia, poor nutrition, neck pain, vision problems and others. Internet addiction can also bring personal, family, academic, work, and financial problems.

Overcoming internet addiction

Actually it can be done to overcome internet addiction, the key is to maintain a balance. Maintain a balance by dividing the appropriate portion of time between internet use and other activities. Spend more time with family, seek more entertainment in the real world than in cyberspace. Reduce the duration of internet use little by little, so you can prioritize using the internet. Have other hobbies and more so that you can interact with other people more, as well as other positive activities.

If this is still difficult to do, it is advisable to consult a psychiatrist or mental health specialist. So hermina's friends don't hesitate, internet addiction can certainly interfere with anyone's daily life. Immediately to see an expert so that it can be treated immediately and before it gets worse. Healthy greetings.
