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The Dangers of Pneumonia (Wet Lung) in Children and How to Prevent It

Pneumonia is a type of dangerous disease that often affects children. This disease is often characterized by symptoms of a long cough, shortness of breath, and fever. Even though the symptoms look like illness in general, if you don't get treatment immediately, it can cause death. Because of that, all parents need to know the dangers of pneumonia in children.

Until now, it has been known that there are quite a few factors that can cause pneumonia in children. Starting from viruses, bacteria, and fungi Specific types of microbes that cause this disease are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria.


The dangers of pneumonia in children

Children are quite vulnerable to various types of diseases, including pneumonia. This type of disease is quite dangerous because it can cause death. Even in Indonesia, it is included in the group of 10 diseases that cause the most deaths. Sufferers can experience pneumonia so that the alveoli, which should be filled with air, will be filled with fluid.

As the only organ that functions to exchange oxygen, lung function is very important. If the function is hampered, then all the work of the body's organs will be disrupted. The body can experience hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen.

Symptoms that appear in children include shortness of breath and difficulty getting oxygen. In addition, the breath looks faster, and a hollow appears in the lower chest when your little one is breathing. Due to the lack of oxygen, the body becomes bluer and experiences shortness of breath.

For young children, the most obvious sign is being more fussy because they feel uncomfortable with their bodies. Usually, this condition is followed by a drastic drop in appetite and vomiting until unconscious due to a lack of oxygen in the body.


Factors triggering pneumonia in children

Children's bodies are still vulnerable, so they are very susceptible to disease. Especially if you have pneumonia, it makes you susceptible to other diseases. Conditions from birth can trigger pneumonia in children. Moreover, in general, the immunity of children is quite low compared to adults. Some of the triggers for pneumonia include:

  1. I have not drunk breast milk since I was a baby.

  2. Malnutrition or malnutrition

  3. Infected with infections such as HIV, measles, and other types of diseases

  4. Premature birth means that the body's organs have not functioned properly.

  5. Provision of immunizations that are incomplete, especially the pneumonia vaccine

Apart from internal factors within your little one's body, external factors also contribute to making children susceptible to pneumonia. These external causes include air pollution, exposure to dust and cigarette smoke, and living in an environment with a low level of cleanliness.


How to Handle Pneumonia Sufferers

In children who have pneumonia, action needs to be taken immediately so that the effects that arise from this disease are not getting more dangerous. As soon as the symptoms of the disease are visible, parents should immediately bring their little one to get a doctor's treatment.

Treatment of patients with this disease depends on the last condition experienced. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to inhibit the growth of fungi and disease-causing germs that can develop quickly.

If symptoms of fever appear, the doctor will take the first steps to reduce the condition. It is not uncommon for patients to become dehydrated, so they need to receive fluids from IVs. To overcome the risks due to a lack of oxygen, the doctor will perform therapy. Some drugs are also not infrequently given by injection.


How to Prevent Children from Suffering from Pneumonia

The danger of pneumonia in children can threaten the life of your little one. Prevention, so as not to contract this disease, is very important. This type of disease is easily transmitted through splashes of saliva and cutlery. Therefore, make sure children do not exchange cutlery. Some of the preventive measures that can be taken include:

1. Adequate nutritional needs

Immunity is proportional to the intake of incoming nutrients. To ensure that children are kept healthy and not susceptible to disease, one way that can be done is to provide adequate nutrition, both in quantity and type. Babies should get their food intake from breast milk until the age of 6 months. Furthermore, it can be given as a complementary food with a texture that is adjusted to the age of your little one. Adequate nutrition can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.

2. Complete immunization

Immunization is a preventive measure to ensure that children are not susceptible to disease by increasing their body's immunity against certain types of bacteria, viruses, and germs. Likewise, with pneumonia, immunization can increase the body's resistance so that it is not easily infected with this disease.

3. A clean and healthy lifestyle

Furthermore, what is very important is the application of a clean and healthy lifestyle. Make sure all the home environment, clothing, and equipment used are washed and free of germs so that disease-causing agents do not easily grow and multiply.

In addition, make sure the children bathe twice a day using clean water and soap that can kill germs. Some children are sensitive to certain chemicals. Therefore, when choosing soap, it must be adjusted to the condition of your little one's body. The danger of pneumonia in children should not be underestimated because many patients are not helped. Efforts to prevent this disease are very important, both when the children were babies and now. In addition to immunization, nutritional intake and a healthy lifestyle must always be applied.

Hermina's friends can consult about children's problems with hospital specialists. nearest Hermina, or you can consult online through the Halo Hermina application.
