The Danger of Sinusitis which is Disruptive to Respiration

The Danger of Sinusitis which is Disruptive to Respiration

Sinusitis is a common condition that occurs in many people, this condition causes discomfort and interferes with daily life.

Sinusitis refers to inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. The sinuses are empty cavities located in the skull, surrounding the nose and eyes. These cavities are lined with a mucous membrane that produces mucus, helping to keep the nasal passages moist and trap unwanted particles such as dust or bacteria. When these ducts become blocked or infected, it leads to the development of sinusitis.

Types of Sinusitis

  1. Acute Sinusitis, lasting for up to four weeks, acute sinusitis is often caused by a bacterial infection following a cold or allergic reaction.

  2. Subacute Sinusitis, this type persists for about four to twelve weeks, usually following acute sinusitis or due to recurring infections.

  3. Chronic Sinusitis, lasting for more than twelve weeks, chronic sinusitis can be caused by infections, nasal polyps, or a deviated septum, among other factors.

  4. Recurrent Sinusitis, characterized by several acute sinusitis episodes within a year.

Causes of Sinusitis

  • Viral Infections, common colds and flu viruses often lead to acute sinusitis.
  • Bacterial Infections, following a viral infection, bacteria can infect the already inflamed sinuses.
  • Allergies, reactions to allergens like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander can trigger inflammation in the sinuses.
  • Nasal Polyps, growth of tissue in the sinuses can obstruct normal drainage.
  • Deviated Septum, a crooked nasal septum can block the sinuses.
  • Immune System Disorders, conditions that weaken the immune system can make one more susceptible to sinus infections.

The symptoms of sinusitis can vary in severity and duration, depending on the type and underlying cause. Common symptoms include:

  • Facial pain or pressure: Often felt around the eyes, forehead, cheeks, or nose.
  • Nasal congestion: Difficulty in breathing through the nose due to blockage or swelling.
  • Discolored nasal discharge: Yellow or green mucus draining from the nose.
  • Coughing: Particularly worse at night.
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste: Caused by nasal congestion.
  • Headache: Especially when leaning forward or lying down.
  • Fatigue: Feeling tired and drained of energy.
  • Fever: In cases of bacterial infection, fever may occur.

Although sinusitis is common, it can really disrupt a person's activities. Better recognizing sinusitis is an important step to managing and reducing its effects. Consultation with a medical professional is essential for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan to address individual needs. With proper treatment and management, the discomfort associated with sinusitis can be significantly reduced, allowing individuals to gain comfort and return to daily activities better. Hermina friends can consult about sinusitis at Hermina Purwokerto Hospital with an ENT specialist.

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