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Basic Life Support: Saving Lives in Emergency Situations

Sahabat Hermina, Basic Life Support (BHD) is a series of simple medical actions that can be carried out by anyone in an emergency situation. The main goal of BHD is to provide first aid to people experiencing life-threatening conditions such as respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest until professional medical help arrives.

The Importance of Basic Life Support

When someone suddenly experiences respiratory arrest or heart failure, a quick response is key to saving a life. BHD is an important skill because in many situations, time is precious. Some common causes of respiratory arrest or heart failure include heart attacks, drowning, traffic accidents, or other life-threatening events. BHD can provide the best chance of survival in situations like the above.

Key Steps of Basic Life Support

BHD consists of two aspects, namely recognizing cardiac arrest conditions and activating the emergency response system. The following are the steps in doing BHD:

  • Check the safety of yourself, the victim and the environment

Make sure that the surrounding area is safe for you, the victim, and any witnesses. Make sure there are no hazards such as fire or traffic that could cause further harm. Place the victim on a hard, flat surface

  • Examine the Victim's Response

Pat the victim's shoulder and call his name. Ask, "Are you OK?" If there is no response, the victim may experience respiratory arrest or become unconscious.

  • Call for Medical Assistance

If the victim does not respond, immediately call the emergency number (for example, 119) or ask someone nearby to do so.

  • Start Chest Compressions (External Heart Massage)

1. Place your palm in the middle of the victim's chest, right in the middle between the nipples.

2. Press the chest to a depth of about 5-6 cm at a speed of 100-120 times per minute.

3. After every 30 chest compressions, give two breaths (if this is not possible, do not give breaths)


Figure 1. Chest compressions

  •  Continue Life Support Until Medical Help Arrives

Do not stop performing BHD until professional medical help arrives or the victim begins to breathe and shows signs of consciousness.

BHD Education and Training

BHD education and training is very important. Many health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) andAmerican Heart Association (AHA), offers BHD courses to the general public. This training will teach you proper BHD techniques, including the use of an external automated defibrillator (AED) if available.

Additionally, there are many apps and online learning resources that can help you understand BHD better. Success in administering BHD depends on practice and a good understanding of the steps.

So, Basic Life Support is a skill that can save lives in emergency situations. Everyone can learn BHD and it can save someone's life if they are in critical condition. Remember to stay calm, call for medical help, and follow the proper BHD steps. By doing this, you can provide the best chance of survival for those who need your help in critical times. Stay healthy.
