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Many Artists Die Young, Avoid Underestimating These Heart Attack Symptoms

The Indonesian music entertainment stage is now in mourning. Kahitna vocalist or often called Carlo Saba has breathed his last.

The cause of Carlo Saba's death at the age of 54 is thought to be a heart attack. Previously Carlo was hospitalized due to collapse after his stage act. It should be noted that the majority of heart attacks are caused by coronary artery disease. this condition occurs when the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscle are blocked by fatty substances.

This can occur due to cholesterol-containing deposits called plaques. The plaque can block the arteries, resulting in reduced blood flow to the heart. When the plaque ruptures, it can cause blood clots in the heart.

This blockage process is known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is most likely to occur at a young age and gets worse when a person is in their 50s. But blocked blood vessels are not the only cause of heart attacks. There are several other causes such as spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), coronary artery spasm, certain infections and risk factors. The risk factors for heart attack are:

  1. Age Factor
    Age is one of the factors that affect heart disease, especially in someone aged 45-55 years and above will be more at risk of heart attack than someone younger.
  2. Smoking
    The bad habit of smoking will increase the risk of having a heart attack by two or three times compared to someone who does not smoke. This habit will cause free radicals that cause blood vessel walls to be damaged.
  3. Hypertension
    As blood pressure increases, so does the risk of having a heart attack. Hypertension can damage the arteries leading to the heart. Hypertension accompanied by other diseases such as cholesterol will also further increase the risk of heart disease.
  4. High bad cholesterol
    High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or bad cholesterol can cause narrowing of the heart arteries. LDL is known as the bad cholesterol because it adversely affects a person's health when it exceeds normal levels.
  5. Obesity
    Obesity can worsen the state of the body's organ systems. It causes the heart to work harder in someone who is overweight because blood volume and pressure increase. Obesity is also associated with several co-morbidities such as diabetes, cholesterol etc.
  6. Diabetes
    People with diabetes can develop heart disease at a relatively young age. If diabetes is coupled with high glucose levels, it can cause cholesterol.
    Blood sugar will rise if a person's body cannot produce insulin or cannot use it properly. So high blood sugar will increase the risk of heart attack.
  7. Family history of heart attack
    Genetic factors affect the response of body cells to external factors that accelerate plaque growth and narrowing of blood vessels. This risk will increase if there is someone in the family who has heart disease at a young age. The family includes siblings, mother and father.
  8. Lack of exercise

    Lack of exercise increases the risk of heart disease, as it causes fat to clog and weaken blood vessels. This will further exacerbate the risk when not balanced with an active lifestyle of moving, sitting or lying down a lot.
  9. Unhealthy diet
    If you eat unhealthy foods such as foods containing fat, high sugar, fast food, and salt will increase the risk of heart attack. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, fiber and healthy oils.

Immediately consult your heart health problems with a heart specialist, a heart doctor can help patients detect heart disease early. Early detection of heart disease is much more important to prevent the patient's condition from getting worse due to heart problems. As we age, the heart's performance decreases and risk factors can accumulate. Schedule a consultation and check-up to know exactly the condition of your heart.
